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一只兔子跑进了矮树丛。A rabbit ran into the underbrush.

沙漠中仍有丛林。There is still underbrush in the desert.

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猎手们穿过林中灌丛。The hunters broke through the underbrush.

鹌鹑在矮树丛里沙沙作响。Speckled quails rustled in the underbrush.

小羚羊生活在非洲茂密的森林中的灌木丛里。The duiker lives in thick underbrush in African forests.

蒂姆消失在灌木从里,他所到之处树叶沙沙作响。The leaves rustled where Tim had disappeared into the underbrush.

说完,野猪急急忙忙地藏进了灌木丛里,狼跳到一棵大树上。The wild boar crept into the underbrush and the wolf jumped up a tree.

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斯彼迪正在泥浆里踏着步子,把纸狠狠地扔到灌木丛里去。Speedy was stomping through the mud, hurling paper into the underbrush.

燃料包含从树木、丛林及干草地到家里的每一样东西。Fuel can include everything from trees, underbrush and dry grassy fields to homes.

但今天,中国访问他们的家庭墓地去任何增长草丛。But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown.

艾娜·塞库拉在矮树丛中穿行的镜头实际上也有几秒钟删节。The shot of Aayla Secura marching through the underbrush was actually a few seconds longer.

颜色深暗的思波斯果园2001展现出焦油,甘草,灌木丛和新橡木等复杂的香气。Sperss displays great character with its complex nose of tar, licorice, underbrush and new oak.

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在穿过浓密丛林的路上,巡逻队必须时刻提防隐藏在矮树丛中的敌军。On its way through the dense jungle, the patrol had to be constantly wary of enemy soldiers concealed in the underbrush.

埃迪和凯蒂往前走着,一直走到了那条靠近坝边的最黑暗可怕的小道上,道路两边的树合在一起,灌木丛也非常茂密,他们没办法继续前行。The trees on both sides of the road grew close together, and the underbrush was so thick it was impossible to walk through.

不过走过一大片僵尸的尸体总比走过一大片僵尸要好多了。Though your shambling rotomatic corpse will be slightly better at stumbling through underbrush than your zombie colleagues.

只要男子对女子的情欲还有些少未断除,他的心即还是受到束缚,如同小牛离不开母牛。For so long as the underbrush of desire, even the most subtle, of a man towards a woman is not cut down, his mind is in bondage, like the sucking calf to its mother.

它出现在爬往陡峭的山路上,穿过公路,越过一泓泉水,接着缠绕在古老、高大、漆黑的树木下,倾注在灌木丛中。It happened on a path that climbed steeply up the mountain, crossed the road, passed a spring, and then wound under old, tall, dark trees and out into light underbrush.

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这部作品描绘了马里登的丛林地貌,茂密的参天大树和难缠的矮树丛对主宰者装甲战车等帝国车辆造成了不小的麻烦。There, the planet's more jungle-like environs are shown, with great overgrown trees and difficult underbrush proving a challenge to Imperial vehicles like armored Juggernauts.

他在树林里蹑手蹑脚,绝望地任选了一个方向,只希望那是回家的方向。He desperately clawed his way through the underbrush in a random direction that he hoped was the right one, but he only had twenty seconds and things weren't looking good for him.

绝地武士艾拉·塞库拉和克隆人指挥官布莱率领由克隆人步兵组成的星际军,穿越行星的原始丛林,搜寻埋伏的分离势力军队。Jedi Knight Aayla Secura and Clone Commander Bly led the Star Corps of clone trooper infantry through the wild underbrush of the planet, searching out Separatists forces that lay in wait.