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本文重点研究了韵律结构预测模型。This paper focuses on the prosodic structure prediction model.

韵律翻译既有可能性,也有局限性。The possibility and restraint of prosodic translation has been theorized.

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句子的韵律短语识别是语音合成的重要研究内容。It is important to recognize the prosodic phrase breaks in text-to-speech.

它是组成语调的直接成分,是完整的韵律结构整体。It is the immediate constituent of the intonational phrase, possessing prosodic unity.

基于邻接度这一新特征,利用TBL算法进行了韵律短语的预测。The TBL algorithm was also adopted for predicting prosodic phrase with Adjacent Degree.

因此,在吴语文语转换中有必要建立相应的韵律控制模型来控制语音的合成输出。This paper describes prosodic control rules for Wu-dialect Chinese text-to-speech system.

最后,本文还研究了双宾句中的论元,并主要从句法和韵律两个角度做了探讨。At last, We study the argument of double-object construction in syntactic and prosodic ways.

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汉语韵律词内部音节重音的强弱对总的F0曲线的特征有很大影响。The F0 contour of Chinese prosodic word is influenced greatly by the stress of its syllables.

基于这一特征,利用TBL转换学习算法进行了韵律词的预测。Therefore, these two features were used for prediction of prosodic word based on TBL algorithm.

所以根据语法结构以及在此语法结构中韵律规律的作用方式就可以预测语句的韵律表现。Sowe can predict the prosodic structure of the sentence depending on the grammar and the prosodiclaws.

满—通古斯语言最小韵律词必须由两个韵素构成。The minimal prosodic word is bimoraic in Manchu-Tungusic languages, as assumed in the present article.

在人们的言语交流过程中,韵律特征是表达信息的有效方式。In the course of speech interaction, the prosodic feature is an effective form to transmit information.

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词汇的、句法的、语意的、语用的、上下文及韵律的资讯在语言理解中的使用。The use of lexical syntactic semantic pragmatic contextual and prosodic information in language comprehension.

首先分析了汉语中韵律短语的边界情况,然后提出了一个韵律短语切分方法。This paper analyses prosodic phrases in Chinese, then introduces a method of segmentation of prosodic phrases.

综述了近年来韵律句法解歧方面的一些研究。The present paper review the use of prosodic information in disambiguating syntactic structure in recent years.

并且,边界等级越高,低音线重置程度越大,无声段的长度也越长。Moreover, the higher the prosodic boundary is, the higher the extent of pitch reset is and the longer the silence is.

研究发现结构性位置因素会对三音节韵律词的音高产生重要影响。This study finds that the pitch of trisyllabic prosodic words in Mandarin is inevitably affected by structural factors.

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谢磊博士最近的研究兴趣为中文广播音频的韵律与词汇分析、自动故事分割等。Dr. Xie's recent interest focuses on prosodic and lexical analyses of Chinese broadcast news and automatic story segmentation.

韵律是影响语音合成自然度的一个重要因素,韵律结构的预测是一个韵律组块过程。Prosodic prediction, which is a process of prosodic chunking, is one of the major factors for the naturalness of speech synthesis.

研究了韵律特征对指代歧义的解歧作用及其机制。In this research, the role and the mechanism of prosodic features in disambiguating demonstrative ambiguous sentences were studied.