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好色是艺术,过犹不及。Erotic art is, overboard.

色情作为对最勇敢者的奖赏。Erotic rewards for excellence in bravery.

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他们指出,那是性爱的姿势。That, they suggest, is an erotic posture.

将性冲动升华为艺术。The erotic impulse is sublimated into art.

厄洛斯的更类似于想象力的那部分。The erotic is more of the imagination part.

元稹自叙“艳诗”定义,以“干教化”相标榜。YUAN Zhen gave definition of erotic poetry.

凯特和艾丽丝工作艳情呼叫中心。Kate and Alice work at the Erotic Call Center.

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感谢主,我已不再有性欲望了。Thank god I no longer feel this erotic desire.

不,我就是这么认为的,因为厄洛斯的是。Yeah, I think so, because the erotic is a way of.

双鱼座爱人的性爱是纯粹的享受。Sex with Pisces lover is erotic and pure enjoyment.

那是豪厄尔一生当中最为疯狂销魂的片刻时光。It was the most insanely erotic moment of Howell’s life.

性表达不止是情爱乐趣和性行为。Sexual expression is more than erotic pleasure or sexual acts.

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这好想Magda和Ambrose做的性爱游戏。This is like that moment of erotic play with Magda for Ambrose.

广告商写的是,“因特网不好玩,到我们这里来满足你性爱方面的需要。”“The Internet sucks, come here for your erotic needs”, they say.

我不想说Sabrina的做法就是纯粹的性欲的。I don't want to suggest that Sabrina's work is purely erotic here.

为什么AFF审查员不贴一个标示说明这是限制级影像?Why do AFF censors post warning that this is an explicit or erotic video?

而艳诗的写作又赋予了狎妓生活以更多的诗意和风流情调。On the other hand, the creation of erotic poems bring more amorous feelings.

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德勃拉·帕尔弗瑞称她那已不复存在的服务是“性幻想服务”。Deborah Palfrey said her now-defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service".

应当在高潮激发前鼓励她通过性幻想放松自己。Encourage her release by constructing an erotic fantasy before things heat up.

在他们一本正经的体面外表下,满肚子的邪恶和情欲。Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion.