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深邃深厚的石榴红光彩。A deep garnet color.

一种含铁的黑色尖晶石。A black variety of garnet.

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深浓美豔如红宝石的颜色。Beautiful deep garnet red colour.

深红近黑色里略带石榴色的红韵。Deep garnet to black with a garnet hue.

红宝石颜色,陈年后变成石榴红。Ruby red tending to garnet with ageing.

红宝石色泽带有陈年的深色边晕。Ruby-red color with pale garnet tinges.

深红色,略带浅石榴红色。Deep-red colour with light garnet tones.

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深沉的石榴红色酒体,边缘呈樱桃般的迷人色泽。Intense garnet in color with a cherry rim.

中度酒体干红葡萄酒,石榴红色泽。Medium-bodied dry red wine in garnet red color.

呈深红色略带橙色光晕。Garnet red colour with a few orange reflections.

热情的樱桃红映衬着深红色泽。Intense cherry red colour with garnet reflections.

石榴红色的酒体闪烁着宝石般的光泽。Deep, fairly intense garnet color with a ruby shimmer.

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众多的宝石类型都有色变这一特点,如蓝宝石和夜明珠。Many gem types display color change, such as Sapphire and Garnet.

介绍了一种低成本的石榴石铁氧体材料。This paper introduces a sort of low-cost garnet ferrite material.

与石榴石,它可以完全匹配的颜色完美的红宝石。Unlike garnet , it can exactly match the color of a perfect ruby.

石榴石产品硬度,比重,热稳定性测定。Hardness, specific gravity and thermal stability of garnet product.

就在这一瞬间,我们发现自己身处一间暗红色的大厅之中。On in this flash, we have found that we have been in a garnet hall.

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此酒呈迷人的深色樱桃红带深红色反光。This wine has an attractive deep cherry red color with garnet tones.

脉石矿物主要为方解石、石英、透辉石、石榴子石等。Vein minerals are mainly in quartz, Calcite, diopside and garnet etc.

通过XRD图谱的检测,所有衍射峰都指向石榴石相。By the examination of XRD, all the peaks are ascribed to the garnet phase.