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科莫多国家公园,印度尼西亚Komodo National Park, Indonesia

动物园的科莫多巨蜥墨菲则躲了起来。Murphy, the Zoo’s Komodo dragon, sought shelter inside.

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潜水者们于周五下午遇到了那只科莫多龙。The divers ran into the Komodo dragon on Friday afternoon.

顺便说说,科莫多龙。为什么人们都要夺走你的生命?Komodo dragon, by the way, why does man have to take him all away?

科摩多巨蜥很聪明甚至可以辨别不同的人。Komodo dragons are quite smart and can recognize different humans.

科莫多龙是现存体型最大的巨型蜥蜴,它也是一种令人生畏的食肉动物。The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.

打猎水牛时,一只科莫多龙会试着咬一口它的腿。When hunting buffalo, one Komodo will attempt to bite the animal's leg.

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这里还是科莫多龙和长达10英尺的蜥蜴的栖身之所。The island is also home to Komodo dragons, lizards that grow up to 10 feet long.

今天的科莫多岛和邻近的帕尔达岛、林卡岛组成了一个国家公园。Today Komodo and the neighboring islands of Padar and Rinca are a national park.

印度尼西亚科莫多岛的火海胆的棘突形成了色彩斑斓的花朵。The spines of a fire urchin form a multicolored flower off Komodo Island, Indonesia.

因此,这个新的信息能帮助人们弄清科摩多龙的“恶名”。This new information thus helps to clean up the foul-mouthed reputation of the Komodo dragon.

这种巨蜥名为“碧塔塔瓦”,它们是印尼科莫多巨蜥的近亲。Dubbed Varanus bitatawa, the giant lizard is a close cousin of the Komodo dragon of Indonesia.

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2006年12月,英国切斯特动物园发现一条雌性巨蜥无性繁殖。Flora, a female Komodo dragon, reproduced asexually at Chester Zoo in Britain in December 2006.

Shaw认为这一劳永逸地解决了科莫多龙如何杀死猎物的问题。This new paper puts to bed once and for all the issue of how the Komodo dragon kills, Shaw says.

科莫多岛被大海环绕着,这里不仅提供了世界上最好的潜水,还有美丽的鱼和珊瑚礁。The sea surrounding Komodo provides some of the world’s best diving, thanks to its spectacular fish and coral reefs.

科莫多国家公园是为了保护一种世界上最大的蜥蜴,极有可能是恐龙的表亲的科莫多龙而建立的。Komodo National Park was founded to protect the world’s largest lizard, the Komodo dragon, a possible cousin of dinosaurs.

具有强健的体格,60颗尖利、锯齿状的牙齿,科莫多龙是一个有着吓人名声的巨兽。Possessing a muscular physique and 60 sharp, serrated teeth, the Komodo dragon is a giant animal with a fearsome reputation.

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熟料他话音未落,探险家们就陆续发现了大猩猩、霍加皮鹿、俾格米河马、大熊猫以及科莫多龙等许许多多的大型四足动物,用铁一般的事实反驳了他的论断。Then explorers discovered the gorilla, the okapi, the pygmy hippo, the giant panda and the Komodo dragon, among many others.

它们生活在印尼的科莫多岛以及邻近的几个岛上,濒于绝种,现已列为保护对象。They live on Komodo Island and a few neighbouring islands in Indonesia. Driven almost to extinction, they are now protected.

法国动物学家们日前表示,他们对最近4只珍稀的科莫多巨蜥宝宝的诞生既感到高兴又有些迷惑不解,因为他们至今没弄清这些巨蜥宝宝的爸爸到底是谁。Zoologists said they were delighted and perplexed at the birth of four rare Komodo dragons, whose paternity remains a mystery.