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不用再去公共厕所。No more using communal toilets.

这当然有它公共方面的意义。It had this communal aspect, for sure.

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有些人在公共生活的喧闹中才旺盛。Some thrive on the buzz of communal living.

内部庭院包括花园和公共空间。The courtyard comprises gardens and communal spaces.

她们居住在集体宿舍,通常是上下铺铁床。They sleep in communal bedrooms, often in bunk beds.

大众池有烤箱、蒸气室和水疗设备。The communal bath has a sauna, a steam room and a spa.

他一定是在参加某种集体的文娱活动。He would be taking part in some kind of communal recreations.

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提供来村游学的教师及学生休憩的场所。Provides a communal space for teachers and students to relax.

爱护公共设施,不损坏公物。Cherish communal establishment, not to mangle public property.

村社制度不能恰当地解决这些问题。The communal system could not respond adequately to these problems.

在这里,他们必须与其他十多名笼民挤在一间斗室里。To do so, they must join a dozen other caged men in a communal area.

但是,当我看到社区式淋浴区,我决定不这样做。But, when I saw the communal style of showering area, I decided not to.

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在公用厨房里,克斯特亚的母亲端上了茶和炼乳。In the communal kitchen, Kostya’s mother served tea and condensed milk.

在公用螺栓中灌入无菌、消毒封口。The communal bolt is irrigated with non-bacterial static sterile sealing.

在公共游泳场游泳时,要注意眼睛的消毒。When communal natatorium swims, want to notice the disinfection of the eye.

哈特派是北美现今存在的最古老的公有制团体之一。The Hutterites are one of the oldest communal groups in North America today.

在法老谷为他的儿子们建造了共用墓地。He built a communal tomb for many of his children in the Valley of the Kings.

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伊希提卜人分部落群居,与星球的自然环境和谐相处。Ishi Tib live in communal groups, in harmony with the nature of their planet.

科学是一项公共事业,研究是建立在同行工作的基础上。Science is a communal enterprise, since research builds on the work of peers.

要是你不想一个人,那就选择一个公共的住宿地。Choose accommodation with communal areas if you're worried about being lonely.