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想要摆脱手机合同束缚吗?Cellphone Contract Buster.

二手手机商店?Second-hand cellphone store?

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春天到了,练车的好时机阿。OK. I sent my cellphone to you.

你有手机信号么?Do you have cellphone reception?

从地上捡起一苹手机。Pick a cellphone up off the ground.

好的,我可以用我的新手机发给你。Yes, I got a new cellphone I can use.

哦,这是什么?二手手机商店?Oh, what's this? Second-hand cellphone store?

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用手机发送短音讯和别人聊天互动。Communicating using messages sent via cellphone.

恰好在这个时候,我的手机响起一声通知提示音。Right on cue, my cellphone buzzed with an alert.

英飞凌或将出售手机芯片业务给英特尔?Infineon selling cellphone chip business to Intel?

还有她将她的手机转让给了她弟弟。Also, she transferred her cellphone to her brother.

那女人点头拿起卡蒂的电话。The woman nodded and took the cellphone from Katie.

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李万枝在晚上11点时看了一下手机,仍然没有信号。Li looked at the cellphone at 11 p.m. Still no signal.

艾米说她的手机被偷了。你知道是谁干的吗?Amy said her cellphone was stole.Do you know who did it?

至于另一位乔治亚州的手机抢匪下落如何?The other Cellphone Bandit who robbed a bank in Georgia?

我刚刚把手机收好突然老师就进来了。I had just put away the cellphone when the teacher came in.

使我的手机完全充好电通常要花一小时。It usually take one hour to get my cellphone fully charged.

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骑行两英里就可以提供足够为手机充电的能量。A 2-mile ride is supposed to be enough tocharge a cellphone.

一个普通的手机可以发送信号的距离为70公里。An ordinary cellphone may send a signal at the distance 70km.

那款手机可真够棒的,有那么多新功能。That cellphone sure is hot stuff. It has so many new features.