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你会如何量化呢?How would you quantify it?

你如何来定量衡量变化呢?How do you quantify change?

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你能量化附加值吗?Can you quantify the value added?

描述和量化商业目标。Qualify and quantify the business goals.

我就不会试图去量化这些东西。I would not like to try to quantify those.

那如何来量化“系统性”违约呢?So how would you quantify “systemic” default?

你不能衡量它,你也不能量化它,你更不能对它下定义。You can’t quantify it. You can’t define potential.

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Takats在他的论文中试图量化这一效应。In his paper Mr Takats seeks to quantify this effect.

不过你没法子知道准确数量,所以这点小错在安全线以内。But you can't quantify exactly, so err on the safe side.

而您如何量化它们当前的成熟程度?And how do you quantify their current degree of maturity?

戊烷的定量则采用面积归一法。Area normalization method was adopted to quantify pentyl.

他们已经呼吁进行更多的研究从而量化这些风险。They have called for more research to quantify the risks.

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标准偏差如何量化度量值漂移?How does the standard deviation quantify measurement scatter?

这意味着我们能确定发生这些结果的风险。That means we can quantify the risk of these outcomes happening.

人人都在奢谈“忧患之墙”,但是能够使之量化的却寥寥无几。Everyone talks about a "wall of worry, " but few can quantify it.

他建议将研究国外投资的定额作为第一步应对措施。He recommends a study to quantify offshore buying as a first step.

你不能衡量它,你也不能量化它,你更不能对它下定义。You can't measure it. You can't quantify it. You can't define potential.

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与此同时,缺陷就是我们无法定量我们所看见的一切。At the same time, a limitation is that we cannot quantify what we observe.

考马斯亮蓝微板法测定细胞内蛋白总量。Coomassie Brilliant Blue method was used to quantify the proteins in cells.

肌氨酸标准曲线可以用来定量样品中的肌氨酸。A sarcosine standard curve is generated to quantify sarcosine in the samples.