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插入水中的叶片要剪掉。The lamina of douse wants to cut off.

用冷水淋头真的有用吗?Does it help to douse your head with water?

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事实上,我们买的枕头,有些是浸泡到神经毒素里。In fact, we take our pillows, we douse them in a neurotoxin.

谢谢,妈,在我回卧室之前,能帮我把牛排调料送进去吗?You wanna just douse me in steak sauce before I go to my room?

他们将烧烤用点火液浇在车上,放火焚烧。They douse the vehicles with barbecue lighter fluid and set them on fire.

2010年2月20日资料照片,印度警察正试图浇灭一名自焚抗议的学生身上的火。In this Feb. 20, 2010 file photo, Indian police try to douse fire as a student, S.

换水时,要将基部已不新鲜的切口剪去一部分,再插入水中。When changing water, should will base ministry already Biedermeier cut is cut go one part, again douse.

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他们换成军用消防栓来冷却反应堆和燃料池。They switched to military fire engines to douse the reactors and the pools of spent fuel rods beside them.

所以每天早上,我们在完全没有选择的情况下,用水桶去提冰水倒在自己的身上。The rest of the cast and crew were standing by wearing thick overcoats, but we had to douse ourselves with ice.

詹妮吓了一跳,连忙把汤泼在身上,却未能浇灭上窜的火苗。Leaping up in terror, Jenny threw her broth over the licking flames but the fluid did nothing to douse the fire.

在喜欢的女孩面前,男青年互相竞争,以博佳人一吻,当他们拥抱接吻时,其他人将水从他们头顶浇下。The men compete against each other to kiss the girl while other douse the couple with water while they embrace in a kiss.

我们一只手举着洒水枪,另外一只手在地板上浇上标准的,熏眼的清洁液。We held squirt guns in one hand and used the other to douse the floors with the standard-issue, eye-burning cleaning solution.

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当用声音驱散暴徒不管用时,据悉以色列当局用恶臭的“臭鼬炸弹”液体浇淋巴勒斯坦抗议者。When ochlophonics fail, authorities there have been known to douse Palestinian protesters with “skunk bombs” of smelly liquid.

为了让他们自己和他们的家不要收到这些任性的鬼魂的骚扰,古老的凯尔特人弄熄他们所有的火。In order to make themselves and their homes less inviting to these wayward spirits the ancient celts would douse all their fires.

一成不变的生活会熄灭任何关系或者婚姻的浪漫之火,所以用富有创造性的惊喜来改变一下吧。Monotonous routine can easily douse the romantic fire in any relationship or marriage, so change things up with creative surprises.

其实,你大可不必喷上昂贵的香水,也不必一日三遍澡沐浴更衣,但重要约会前的个人卫生却是重点。You don`t have to douse yourself in expensive perfume, or have three baths a day, but personal hygiene should be key before a big date.

并非内罗毕投入的消防车太少,而是通往贫民窟的道路过于狭窄使得消防车难以到达现场灭火。The narrowness of the way into the slum made it hard for the fire brigade to douse the flames, not that Nairobi has much of a fire brigade.

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消防员扑灭在闸口的Lumpini公园火灾张贴在曼谷市中心,泰国,星期三,2010年5月19日反政府示威者。Firemen douse a fire at a barricade of Lumpini Park put up by anti-government protesters in downtown Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, May 19, 2010.

NHK公众广播报道称,至少有12架高压水枪车驻扎进场地,以保证可以从地面对反应器注水。Public broadcaster NHK reported that at least 12 water-cannon trucks would be brought in, so that forces could try to douse the reactor from the ground

上周末,消防战士扑灭了该地区北部的大火,解决了曾被吞噬的下诺夫哥罗德,但地区首府仍浓烟密布。Fire fighters were battling at the weekend to douse fires in the north of the region that cloaked the town of Nizhny Novgorod, the regional capital, in smoke.