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毫无疑问,饮食不健康会导致疾病。It's no doubt that eating unhealthily will result in illness.

而他的支出与净收入相比,也出奇的低!His liability was also unhealthily low in comparison to his net worth.

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因此,邻近脏器有病均对肾脏有所影响。Accordingly, adjacent viscera all is affected somewhat to the kidney unhealthily.

而男人有病不去看,已经成了威胁他们健康的一个非常重要的因素。And the man does not look unhealthily , had become menace their healthy very main factor.

麻烦大家帮我看下是否有病符合我的症状。Troublesome everybody helps me treat next symptoms that whether accord with me unhealthily.

因此,年轻人也应当有病及时治疗,定期体检有利于健康。Accordingly, the youth also ought to be treated in time unhealthily , fixed check-up is helpful for health.

据营养专家判断,与男友同居会使女人吃得过多,不益于健康且容易长胖。Moving in with a boyfriend causes women to eat more unhealthily and put on weight, according to dieticians.

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而年长者或肾原有病变,肾小管功能已有损害都会出现假阳性。And elder or kidney change unhealthily formerly, kidney canaliculus function already had damage positive of metropolis occurrence holiday.

在股市和其它市场里,从简单的价格上涨到更为复杂的比率和指数中,都可能看到不健康的变化。In the stock markets and many others, simple price rises and various more complex ratios and indicators can be seen to change unhealthily.

调查表明,低收入人群不健康的饮食方式是自身造成的。他们的饮食选择与收入、离商店的远近及烹饪技巧并没有必然联系。The study also showed that low earners are choosing to eat unhealthily. Their food choices were not linked to their income, their access to shops or their cooking skills.

调查表明,低收入人群不健康的饮食方式是他们自身造成的。他们的饮食选择与收入、离商店的远近及烹饪技巧并没有必然联系。The study also showed that low earners are choosing to eat unhealthily. Their food choices were not linked to their income, their access to shops or their cooking skills.

凯特可能是不健康的瘦了,但一些研究者更担心她对于年轻女性对自己身体形态和进食障碍的影响。While Kate may be unhealthily thin, some researchers are concerned less with her personal weight than with her influence on young women's body image issues and eating disorders.

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由于流量减少再加上因农业活动所造成的盐渍土流失加剧,河水开始变咸,尤其是在下游区域,这对饮用者的健康有着不利影响。Thanks to a combination of reduced flow and increased run-off from saline soils churned up by agriculture, the water was becoming unhealthily salty, especially in its lower reaches.

或者,要是您非得苦守着您那病态的自尊,那等我验证了我的试验结论之后,会发一个全文报告给您的。Feel free to beg me to enlighten you, oh Potions Genius. Or, if you are still unhealthily attached to your dignity, I'll give you a full report once my confirming experiments are concluded.