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马克思列宁主义到底赞成哪一个呢?Which indeed is approved by Marxism- Leninism?

列宁主义学说发展了马克思主义。The doctrine of Leninism has developed Marxism.

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它的理论和实践都根据列宁主义原则进行汇编整理。Its theory and practice have been codified in the canon of Leninism.

如何正确看待列宁主义是马克思主义中国化的一个亟待正视的问题。How to appraise Leninism correctly is the issue of sinicization of Marism.

布莱契说,辛集是中国“列宁主义市场经济”的典型代表。Marc Blecher of Oberlin College says Xinji is a good example of "market Leninism " in China.

马克思列宁主义就是讲工农联盟,工农合作。Marxism- Leninism stands precisely for alliance and co-operation between workers and peasants.

马克思列宁主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是彻底的无神论。Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism of Marxism and Leninism are of thorough antitheism.

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列宁主义要求党在一切重大的问题上,由适当的集体而不由个人作出决定。Leninism demands of the Party that all decisions on important questions be made by an appropriate collective body, not by any individual.

列宁主义是帝国主义和无产阶级革命时代的产物,是马克思主义发展整个过程中不可分割的一个主要阶段。Leninism was an outcome of imperialism and ages of proletarian revolution and also be the indivisible main part of the whole development of Marxism.

马克思列宁主义揭示了人类社会历史发展的规律,它的基本原理是正确的,具有强大的生命力。Marxism- Leninism brings to light the laws governing the development of the history of human society. Its basic tenets are correct and have tremendous vitality.

本文运用马列主义民族理论,深刻分析了西方民族主义的蜕变和亚非拉“应激型”民族主义的兴起这两个历史现象,并对两种民族主义进行了比较。In this paper, we use the national theory of Marxism and Leninism to analysis the transformation of western nationalism and the rise of nationalism in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

党的三代领导集体关于党内民主的思想是一脉相承的科学体系,是对马克思列宁主义建党思想的继承和发展。Thoughts on inner-party democracy among three generations of party leaderships are included in the same scientific system and made inheritance and development to Marxism and Leninism.