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我是红卫兵。I am a Red Guard.

谁来保卫她?。Who come guard her?

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列车长帮助我上雪橇。The guard helped me up.

卫兵什么也没说。The guard said nothing.

一个卫兵打开房门。A guard opened the door.

我们必须慎防我们的嘴巴。We must guard our mouths.

已经给这位哨兵布置哨位了吗?。Has the guard been posted?

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这个警卫擅离职守。The guard deserted his post.

舅舅,叔叔轮流去押车。Uncle, uncle turns to guard.

艾利乌对那个死掉的看守说。Arius said to the dead guard.

从那天起守护着你的酥胸。Guard thy bosom from the day.

安塔芮丝人卫兵向他鞠躬行礼。The Antarian guard bowed low.

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那卫兵招手让我们往前走。The guard beckoned us forward.

但是这儿的门卫寸步不让。But the guard stood his ground.

他为部长派了一名警卫员。He set a guard on the minister.

边防战士在站岗。The border guards are on guard.

我们必须防止急躁情绪。We must guard against rashness.

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我们必须不能放松警惕。We should never lower our guard.

一扇小门趁我稍不留神。A slim door got in past my guard.

另一个保安站在那里。Another guard was standing there.