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他的私人支票簿。His checkbook.

我把我的支票簿放哪了?Now where did I leave my checkbook?

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支票簿在楼上卧室里。The checkbook is upstairs in the bedroom.

你要提款卡和支票簿吗?Would you like to have an ATM card and a checkbook?

支票薄存根与我的银行对账单不相符合。The checkbook stubs don't tally with my Bank statement.

哦,顺便说一下,这对你的支票簿也会产生积极的影响。Oh, by the way, it will positively impact your checkbook too.

她还和女孩们一起烤巧克力蛋糕,教他们如何保持收支平衡。She also baked brownies with girls and showed them how to balance a checkbook.

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教给他人一项有用的技术——例如烹调、拆换轮胎,平衡支票簿。Teach someone a useful skill – cooking, changing a tire, balancing a checkbook.

对他来说看起来是个好主意,也没有其他人这样做,所以他就毫不犹豫的掏钱打广告了。It seemed like a good idea to him, and no one else was doing it, so he pulled out his checkbook.

可是后来,我发现自己居然忘不掉那幅漫画和那些稚拙的文字。But then, I found myself checkbook and pray that caricature and those juveniles , innocent and text.

把你的支票簿放在安全的地方,特别是你已经签字的那些被盖销的支票。Keep your checkbook in a safe place, especially cancelled checks where your signature can be copied.

“杜平说,”“在这种情况下,拿出你的支票簿和我写了五万法郎的支票。"In that case, " Dupin said, "take out your checkbook and write me a check for fifty thousand francs.

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老爸在我上高中时给我开了一个经常账户,还教我如何使用支票薄。My dad opened a checking account for me in high school and showed me how to use the checkbook register.

如果金钱让你受困受苦,该好好想想把幸福排在你的支票簿上了。If money is keeping you stuck, it's time to think about prioritizing your happiness over your checkbook.

他掏出支票本和笔,签了一张5000法郎的支票,递给杜宾。Then he took out his checkbook and pen, and wrote a check for fifty thousand francs. He gave it to Dupin.

在记账本中记下你的现金和借贷消费,或者使用黑莓或IPhone的记账软件。Note your cash or debit purchases in your checkbook register. Or break out the BlackBerry and iPhone applications.

他边说边为刚刚在网上订的比萨饼签上了支票日期,在计算机鼠标和支票簿之间忙碌。he asks as he dates a check for a pizza he just ordered online, going between the computer mouse and the checkbook.

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收支平衡和个人储蓄账户不仅能够让自己的未来有更多的选择,同时也能保护自己安定的生活方式。A balanced checkbook and a savings account not only increase your future options, but also protect your cool lifestyle.

利息会在你的每月清单上打印出来,所以你会知道把它加进你自己的支票本中。To your account. The interest is printed on your monthly statement so you'll know to add it into your checkbook yourself.

所以,这是我的支票簿、车钥匙、信用卡和401K账户卡。我正式辞去成年人的“职务”。So, here's my checkbook and my car?keys, my credit cards and my 401K statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood.