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它是有机茶花油。It is organic camellia oil.

想看茶花,正是好时候。This was the camellia season.

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我从未看到过大棵的茶花。I have never seen a big camellia.

我的山茶花已经枯萎了。My camellia plant has gone to pot.

这是成品,从山茶花树的种子。It is refined from camellia tree seeds.

当这朵茶花变颜色的时候。When this camellia is a different colour.

金花茶饮料是极其有益人体健康的饮品。Golden Camellia Tea is a very healthful drink.

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山茶红似火。The camellia blossoms are a more fiery scarlet.

你说我这些茶花都是俗品?You say that these are popular products Camellia ?

标题金花茶植株形态学的研究。The study on the morphology of Camellia chrysantha.

油茶籽饼中含有丰富的三萜皂甙。Triterpenoid Saponins is rich in camellia oil cake.

他喜欢吸山茶花牌香烟。He likes to smoke the cigarette of the camellia brand.

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广西金花茶的两个新变种。Two new varieties of Camellia chrysantha from Kwangsi.

项生金花茶,广西一新的观赏植物。Camellia terminalis, a new ornamental plant from Guangxi.

是因为空间的关系吗?我从未看到过大棵的茶花。Is it concern of space? I have never seen a big camellia.

杜鹃红山茶是一种珍贵珍稀濒危植物,属山茶科山茶属。Camellia azalea is a rare plant which is in face of danger.

此外,山茶油还有一定的通便作用。In addition, the camellia oil there is a certain catharsis.

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她在窗前的桌子旁审视着山茶花。She was at the table by the window, examining the camellia.

嘿嘿!这是茶花和枫树,以及其他的结合。This one is a combination of camellia and momiji, and others.

可是,谁能拒茶花唯美而浪漫的爱情?。But, who can resist camellia only America and the romantic love?