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哟,鸵鸟蛋。Wow, ostrich eggs.

由鸵鸟蛋制造。Made from ostrich eggs.

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南非人吃鸵鸟。South Africans eat ostrich.

他们能把鸵鸟毛弄白吗?Can they bleach ostrich feathers?

这只鸵鸟蛋怎么在这儿?How did this Ostrich egg get here?

看,多神奇的鸵鸟蛋呀!Behold, what miraculous ostrich eggs!

我在杨叔叔的农场里看到了一只驼鸟。I saw an ostrich on Uncle Yang's farm.

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这个巢中有几个鸵鸟蛋?How many ostrich eggs are in this nest?

先来瞧眼这一只鸵鸟吧。First I took a look-see at this ostrich.

那你呢?“”我的同他一样,驼鸟回答。I'll have the same, the ostrich replies.

驼鸟是双腿跑得最快的动物。Ostrich is the fastest animal on two legs.

这个巢中有几个鸵鸟蛋?Which nest has one more than 8 ostrich eggs?

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这种鸵鸟政策受到嘲笑。This ostrich policy was brought into derision.

刻于鸵鸟蛋壳上的字迹或许改变了这点。The engraved ostrich eggshells may change that.

对鸵鸟皮及成革的组织结构进行了研究。The histological structure of ostrich skin is studied.

一台客户定制的徕卡,外表面覆盖着鸵鸟皮。A custom-made Leica M7 is covered with ostrich leather.

这是平壤附近的一个鸵鸟农场的鸟瞰图。This is an aerial view of an ostrich farm near Pyongyang.

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它们奔跑速度非常快,可达每小时30公里。The ostrich can run very quickly --- about 30 km. an hour.

他们不仅仅服务于少数菜肴与驼鸟肉。And they're not only serving a few dishes with ostrich meat.

她可以用同样巧妙的言辞,描写驼鸟和大象。She can describe an ostrich or elephant with equal felicity.