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圣洗是什么?What is Baptism?

浸礼本身并不会使人重生。Baptism does not itself regenerate.

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约翰的洗礼是从那里来的。The baptism of John, whence was it?

洗礼后再犯罪怎么办?What if you sin after your baptism?

用水洗礼听起来还不错。That water baptism sounded mighty good.

最幸福的莫过经受洗礼。The happiest is to undergo the baptism.

待到大雪风飞时,我再来洗礼。Until a heavy snow, I again come baptism.

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非信徒可以实行正确有效的施洗吗?D. Can an unbeliever perform a valid baptism?

韦伦伯格神父亲自为孩子洗礼。Father Willenborg himself performed the baptism.

我认为基督徒洗礼是浸洗。I think that the Christian Baptism is by immersion.

为什麽圣洗、修和是罪人的圣事?Why are Baptism and Penance sacraments for sinners?

我们藉著水礼来证明我们是属乎基督的。Baptism is the way to show that we belong to Christ.

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我回想起我曾参加了拉舍尔的洗礼仪式,随后出息了午餐宴会。I attended Rachel's baptism and afterward a luncheon.

我们承认赦罪的圣洗,只有一个。We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

七件圣事内,那是罪人的圣事,那是善人的圣事?Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church.

施洗中使用的水本身没有能力。A. The water used in baptism has no power of, or in, itself.

歪歪斜斜的身影,又怎耐的住风雨的洗礼。The crooked figure, how to endure the baptism of wind and rain.

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以血之洗礼,剑刃铭刻吾之真名。Baptism of by the blood, the sword edge inscribes I the real name.

洗礼是所有基督教徒都要经历的浸水净身仪式。Baptism is a water purification ritual practiced by all Christians.

洗礼不能被称为做工,因为你不能为自己施洗。Baptism cannot be called a work because you cannot baptize yourself.