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看来我还是一个性情中人呀。I am still a sensitive guy.

这台望远镜拥有三台高灵敏度的红外照相机。sensitive infrared cameras.

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关心你的同志们。Be sensitive to your comrades.

宝丽来胶卷感光性非常强。Polaroid film is very sensitive.

选举是在一个敏感时期进行的。It was a sensitive time to do it.

此检查也是区分大小写的。This check is also case sensitive.

电压敏感型振荡器?。VSO? Voltage Sensitive Oscillator?

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一棵含羞草在花园里生长。A sensitive plant in a garden grew.

发现最敏感的你的最敏感点。Discover your most sensitive spots.

转移或者回避敏感话题。Deflect or evade the sensitive ones.

鼻子,鼻子,我张有一个灵敏的鼻子。Nose, nose, I have a sensitive nose.

这架仪器很灵敏。This instrument is highly sensitive.

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动作灵敏的超小型开关。Action sensitive subminiature switch.

这敏感的含羞草出现得最早。The Sensitive Plant was the earliest.

即指令是大小写字母不敏感的。CMake command is not sensitive to case.

请注意过滤器是区分大小写的。Note that the filter is case sensitive.

德国在其中是一个敏感的角色。The role of Germany is a sensitive one.

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什么问题都可以问。我没那么敏感。Ask me anything. I’m not that sensitive.

这位大提琴手的手法非常敏捷。The cellist's bowing was very sensitive.

含羞草的叶子对触摸很敏感。A mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch.