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他现在认为这种影响是有害的。He now thinks this influence was baleful.

他歹毒地盯着那个蜷缩成一团的嫌疑犯。He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect.

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垃圾邮件的投放,也是恶意软件的功劳。Of rubbish mail put in, also be the contribution of baleful software.

而且,和其它地方一样,教会的邪恶影响力现在极大地减弱了。And, as elsewhere, the church’s baleful influence is now hugely diminished.

恶意的攻击者可以通过这个账户任意地控制你的计算机。Baleful aggressor can pass this account to control your computer arbitrarily.

但是,最令人害怕的变化还是恶意软件的来源问题。But, the most darkling change still is the origin problem of baleful software.

显而易见,越来越多的恶意攻击源自合法可信赖的网站。Clearly, more and more baleful attack are come from lawful calculable website.

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市场对于文学创作是否具有负面影响,这个争论总是极为激烈的。Arguments rage as to whether the market has a baleful influence on creative writing.

也许只有女王伊丽莎白二世陛下能把她的王国从邪恶的里斯本条约中解救出来。Perhaps only Queen Elizabeth II can rescue her realm from the baleful Treaty of Lisbon.

他们正面临恶意攻击,我们想确保他们有尽可能多的选择。They are facing baleful charge, we want to ensure they have choose more as far as possible.

放置的效应,如绑架或邪恶调转,也可以用来使骑士下马。Place effects, such as Abduct or Baleful Transposition, could also be used to dismount a rider.

对小人物来说,最有害的莫过于大人物-尤其是大城市的大人物-的阴影。There is nothing so baleful to a small man as the shade of a great one particularly the great man of a city.

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但这个时候的惊吓来自于对信贷市场的非常严重的按揭贷款及其有害作用。But this time the scare is about more than bad mortgage loans and their baleful effect on the credit markets.

那本篇预警播报中的这个恶意程序则是流氓软件中的“另类”了。That an early-warning this baleful program in sowing a newspaper is scampish software is medium " additional kind ".

网易也否认了竞争对手对其恶意挖墙脚以及在法律法规方面正当性的指责。Netease also denied a competitor baleful to its undermine the foundation and in respect of law law plan of proper sex censure.

但等到进入第二个十年,它们中许多连停车场也没得待了,卡普把它们的遭遇哀叹为“险恶的放逐”。But as they enter the second decade of what Karp bemoans as “perilous and baleful banishment, ” many may finally be on the move.

但是,网络传播也会有一些恶意事情,比如说人身中伤、垃圾信息的散布等。But, network transmission also can have a few baleful things, e. g. person of information of calumniatory, rubbish dispersed wait.

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迪士尼恶意影响全球经济的工具就是美国的版权政策--对于娱乐业巨头的产权保护起到了不可忽视的作用。The instrument of Disney's baleful global influence is U.S. copyright policy, over which the entertainment goliath holds considerable sway.

在中国人的观念中,渴望拥有男性后代的想法导致了众多负面影响,而这些一度被遮掩起来的负面影响现在开始慢慢显露出来。The desire for male descendants has had many baleful consequences in China, and in recent years one that used to be hidden has come to light.

显而易见,那些在网上发表恶意中伤者、造谣者,对中国数以亿计的网民而言,毕竟是少数。Clearly, those publish baleful calumniator, rumormonger on the net, count to China with 100 million plan the netizen, it is minority after all.