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那是一根橡皮筋。A rubber band.

什么样的乐队?What kind of band?

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我需要一个发带。I need a hair band.

乐队不停地演奏着摇滚乐曲。The band rocked away.

调整绞车刹把。Adjust the brake band.

好呀,只是我带的钱不多了。Nice, but my band the.

游行队伍的末尾是一个乐队。A band ended the parade.

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高能隙材料。High band gap materials.

这是谁的发带?Whose hair band is this?

带外接警号接口。No. band Alarm interface.

折叠式宽腰带。Wide fold-over waist band.

乐队演奏一些选曲。The band played selections.

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也许你的胸罩带子太宽了。Your bra band is too large.

她戴着一根蓝发带。A band worn around the head.

我可以借你的发带吗?。Can I borrow your hair band?

我们就是一个硬核乐队。We are just a hardcore band.

我最喜欢S-JM组合.I like the band of S-JM best.

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我在一个摇滚乐团弹吉他。I play guitar in a rock band.

还是似军乐队声震云霄?。Or boom like a military band?

包饺子扎红头绳。Red Hair Band root dumplings.