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全文翻译完后,由服务器端对译文进行审改和定稿。And after this hell one also have to administrate a server.

他们有权利管理他们自己的内部事务。They had the right to administrate their own internal affairs.

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结论在我国的海洛因依赖者中实施美沙酮维持治疗计划是可行的。Conclusions It is practical to administrate MMT to the heroin relier in China.

组织管理广告发布与广告经营活动。To organize and administrate the activities of ad publishing and ad operation.

本系统具有抄收速度快、计算精度高,抄收同时性好、易于管理等优点。Reading is speedy, in time, high precision on calculation and easy to administrate.

合理使用抗生素是预防关键。The key to prevent Pseudomembranous colitis is to administrate antibiotics rationally.

工程项目财务的组织管理及成本控制。Organize, administrate the project financial control cost within the overall traget budget.

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目前钱币市场潜在的问题仍然存在,管理问题仍未真正解决。Some potential problems still exist in the market now, how to administrate it has unsettled yet.

声学造影剂经左前臂静脉“弹丸式”注射。A "bolus like" injection was conducted to administrate the contrast agent into left forearm veins.

声学造影剂经左前臂浅静脉“弹丸式”注射。A "bolus-like" injection was conducted to administrate the contrast agent into left forearm veins.

您了解了一些用于分析线程和管理进程的、关键的工具和实用程序。You've looked at the key tools and utilities used to analyze threads and administrate your processes.

这个项目的目标是提供一个简单而功能强大的管理和使用IT跟踪系统的方法。The goal of the project is to provide a simple to administrate and use, yet powerful IT tracking system.

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怎样准确评价干部,怎样合理培养干部,怎样选拔任用干部,怎样管理监督干部,等等。How to evaluate, nourish, choose, administrate and supervise our cadres depend on the examination of its kind.

因此,从理论上讲,公务员应全心全意运用手中的权力服务于公众,致力于社会公共事务的管理。Thus the civil-servant should service for people with his right and do his best to administrate the common affairs.

通过考察钱币市场情况,认为对钱币市场的管理是必要的。The author investigates the numismatic market, and points out that it is necessary to administrate the numismatic market.

负责校验程序和计量器具的校验管理,以及生产设备和工装夹具的管理。To administrate the calibration process and the administration of the measuring devices , and production equipment and jigs.

当然这些工具通常掌握在那些奴才培训班的管理者手中,当然也并不一定是那样。Of course these instruments are usually controlled by those who administrate the minion training program, but they don’t have to be.

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这三个子系统都在OSY的控制之下运行,OSY还提供用户与系统的交互界面并且管理系统数据库。The three subsystems are controlled by OSY, which also support interface between system and user, and administrate the system database.

对现场施工范围内的主干路进行管理和养护,设专人进行现场道路的清扫,保证道路的整洁。Administrate and maintain the trunk roads on construction site. Specific persons are in charge of road cleaning to ensure their tidiness.

国务院财政部门依法对国家自然科学基金的预算、财务进行管理和监督。The competent authority of finance of the State Council shall administrate and surveil the budget and finance of National Natural Science Funds.