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他观察敏锐,却很少发言。He observes keenly but says very little.

我现在很锐敏地感到即将发生什么事情。I could now feel very keenly what was coming.

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对离婚的讨论可能会比这更加热烈。The divorce is likely to be more keenly contested.

在NTEN,我们对这个问题非常感兴趣。Here at NTEN, we're keenly interested in this question.

我深感力不从心。I feel keenly that my ability falls short of my wishes.

我对女性有着强烈的兴趣,但是她们威胁着我。I was keenly interested in women, but they intimidated me.

她是个爱占小便宜的女人。She is the woman that keenly take petty advantage of people.

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这样的夸奖和信赖弄得都宾十分不好意思。This praise and confidence smote Dobbin's heart very keenly.

当你开始创业时,会对这一点深有体会。And when you're starting a startup, you feel this very keenly.

贝瀚德的下一步举动受到汽车业界的普遍关注。Bernhard's next move will be watched keenly by the auto industry.

表情敏锐、警惕、聪明、直率而好奇。The expression is keenly alert, intelligent, direct and quizzical.

有一刹那他深深感到双重生活的那种毛骨悚然的愉快。For a moment he felt keenly the terrible pleasure of a double life.

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最近,我深切了解到我以前所使用过的英语语言间的不同。Recently, I was made keenly aware of the different Englishes I do use.

谭元元非常注意自己的公众形象,台下的她显得有些拘谨。Keenly aware of her public stature, Tan offstage seems slightly guarded.

想到这里,李白深感惭愧,脸都发烧了。Thought of here, Libai feels keenly ashamed, the faces all have a fever.

与此同时,我们对自身的发展水平和发展阶段始终保持着清醒认识。That said, we are keenly aware of where we are in terms of development stage.

在球队里没有人的求战欲望比鲁尼更强。Nobody in Sir Alex Ferguson's squad would feel that as keenly as Wayne Rooney.

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正如阿蒙森9月12日的日记记录那样,他很清楚的意识到自己的对手是谁。Amundsen was keenly conscious of his rival, as his September 12 diary entry shows.

作为“新感觉派圣手”的穆时英敏锐地体味到了现代都市中个体生命遭受的精神困境。Mu Shiying keenly felt the dilemma that individual lives were in in modern cities.

但他警告那些手机用户,他敏锐地感觉到在农村里这是一个极大的障碍。But he warned of a barrier to mobile phone take-up that is felt keenly in villages.