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月球上真有生命吗?Life on the Moon?

还有月亮河和我。Moon rive and me.

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月河与我。Moon River and me.

月亮河与我。Moon river and me.

月亮必须留下来。The moon must stay.

我摘到月亮。I pick the moon off.

月亮祝福我。The moon blesses me.

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而月球则是蓝色的。And the moon is blue.

对不起,新月。Execuse me, new moon.

月亮和六便士。The Moon and Sixpence.

那是月亮的白子小孩。A moon 's albino child.

我是海贝月光女神。AM Seashell Moon Woman.

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你喜欢月饼吗?Do you like moon cakes?

云将月亮遮住。Clouds mantled the moon.

云把月亮遮住。Clouds mantled the moon.

看那明亮的月亮。Look at the bright moon.

现在“月光族”多。Now, "Moon family" more.

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明月清风寄相思!Send Acacia moon breeze!

糟了,月亮掉在井里头了!The moon is in the well.

在我上方的天空,我看到了月亮。Above me, I saw the moon.