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在我之后的这个图是个船坞This is the shipyard behind.

这个厂定名为东风造船厂。It was named Dongfeng Shipyard.

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他们使船从船坞下水。They launched a ship from a shipyard.

这个船厂离上海5公里以内。The shipyard is within 5km of shanghai.

一艘新战舰从船坞下水。A new battleship was launched from a shipyard.

造船厂将于下周让新船下水。The shipyard will launch the new boat next week.

工作很有意思,而且造船厂很大。The work was interesting and the shipyard was huge.

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你厂吊车最大起重量是多少?How much is the maximum lifting capacity in your shipyard?

传说潜艇三明治的名称出自东海岸造船厂工人。Legend has it the name came from East Coast shipyard workers.

转向系统是大型平板车行驶的核心部件。Steering system is the core component of shipyard transporter.

这船是丹麦的欧登赛钢铁船厂建造的。The ship was launched at Odense Steel Shipyard Ltd in May 2007.

我联系过一家私人造船厂,它也在为印海军造过军舰。I contacted a private shipyard which also makes warships for IN.

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然后金声又出去,说是去各船厂打听。Then the gold voice go out again and say is go to each shipyard pry.

一艘新型的远洋货轮正在那家船厂建造。A new-type ocean-going freighter is being laid down at that shipyard.

请您请一位验船师和一位船厂工程师来船好吗?Could you invite a surveyor and a shipyard engineer to come on board.

自行车是船厂工人最主要的交通工具。Bicycles are the most common mode of transportation for shipyard workers.

在造船厂里,第二颗树并没有被造成能乘风破浪的大轮船。Back at the shipyard the second tree was not made into a mighty sailing ship.

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TANDEM焊接工艺是船厂拼板焊接比较理想的焊接工艺。The TANDEM welding is an ideal technology for the welding of panel in shipyard.

江南造船厂发展成中国最大的造船厂,并这个地位保留至今。The Jiangnan Shipyard grew into the largest in China, a status it still retains.

今年4月,中集莱佛士收购了山东省另一家造船厂三联龙口。In April CIMC Raffles bought Sanlian Longkou, another shipyard in Shandong Province.