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有两种类型的地政室议定书。There are two types of LAR Protocols.

房间里有一个很大的壁橱,电视机。你可以把你的行李放出来。The room has a lar closet. You can put your gear in it.

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目的探讨不同时期负荷状态下颌骨植入种植体的骨整合变化。Objective To study osseointergration of intro- madibu lar implants in the loaded state.

罐罐菌营养价值极高,它是当地腊尔山台地的一种土特产。Guanguan mushroom contains high nutrition, it is the local Lar mountain native specialty.

强烈的太阳辐射也是造成极端晴热高温的一个重要原因。So lar radiation is also an important factor causing the extreme clear and hot high temperature event.

这项试验为在风沙、干旱地区繁殖毛白杨开辟了一条新的途径。This test has opened up a new way for breeding of Chinese White Pop- lar in windstorm, sandstorm and drought region.

文章主要介绍液氩冷量回收装置的原理、流程及操作要点。The paper describes the principle, process and major operating points of the LAr refrigeration capacity recovery apparatus.

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贪婪的利己主义很可能以非凡的速度累积财富,尽管很可能同时造成巨大的贫穷。Avid self-interest is likely to pile up wealth withremarkable speed, though it is likely to amass spectacu- lar poverty at thesame time.

民主克伦佛教军总司令觉丹将军,上周来到苏拉培上校在高克力镇沃莱地区的基地。Gen. Kyaw Than, commander-in-chief of DKBA, came to the military base of Col. Saw Lar Pwel in Wal Lay area in Kawkareik Township last week.

酒店位于塞维利亚商业区,这座美丽的安达卢西亚城市的文化、传统中心。Gran Hotel Lar is ideally located in the commercial area of Seville, near the cultural and traditional centre of this beautiful Andalusian city.

对社会收入状况的调查与评定,在很大程度上可以了解地区经济的总体情况和存在的问题。We can acknowledge the region's overall economic condition and problems in a lar ge degree by means of investigate and evaluate social income situation.

罐罐菌,又名罗汉菇,也叫牛肚子菇。盛产在高寒山区腊尔山一带。罐罐菌喜阳光,一般生长在背阴山坡上。Guanguan mushroom, also known as Rohan mushroom, also known as bovine stomach mushroom, generally growing on shady slopes in the alpine area of Lar mountain, like sun light.

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用于直接吸收式太阳能集热系统的集热介质主要有黑色液体、气-固或液-固悬浮体系、熔盐及其三者的相互混合物。The black liquids, suspensions, molten salts and their intermixtures are the main so- lar radiation absorbing materials for direct absorption-type solar energy collection systems.