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陈靓瑄觉得回到学校当学生的日子很棒很棒!Felicia Chin feels great to be back in school!

费丽莎·西姆斯说,她的女儿们是“两个正常的小女孩。”Felicia Simms says her daughters are "two normal little girls."

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弗雷西亚专攻艺术史和设计都从他们的传单的网站。Felicia majored in art history and designs everything from their flyers to websites.

Felicia给我幽默读物,因为她曾注意我家有很多幽默读物。Felicia left me humorous writings because she had noticed a ton like them in my house.

现在生产的斯柯达·弗雷西亚牌汽车的商标最下边部分的桂枝树叶,表示胜利。Now the production of Skoda Felicia cars mark the brand part of the Gui leaves below that victory.

四年后,马宏给帕姆寄去一张生日卡,然后他亲吻了朗,和她手牵手一起走开了。Four years later. Mahone mails a birthday card to Pam, then kisses and walks off hand in hand with Felicia Lang.

十九岁的员工费莉西亚.费妮冈说,男子掐住孔雀脖子,把牠摔向地板,再开始用力踢踩。He took the bird by the neck, threw it to the ground and started kicking and stomping on the peacock, said worker Felicia Finnegan, 19.

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英国剑桥大学教授费利西娅和共事一道分析研究了2776名受试者的资料,他们都参与了1946年英国的出生调查。Felicia Huppert of the University of Cambridge and colleagues analyzed data from 2776 individuals who participated in the 1946 British birth study.

英国剑桥大学教授费利西娅-赫伯特和同事一道分析了2776名参与过1946年英国的出生调查的受试者的资料。Felicia Huppert of the University of Cambridge and colleagues analyzed data from 2,776 individuals who participated in the 1946 British birth study.

神经学副教授、神经心理学家费丽雪.戈德斯特称赞该项目,她来自亚特兰大的艾莫瑞大学医学院。The study is well done, says neuropsychologist Felicia Goldstein, an associate professor of neurology at Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta.

来自纽约纽堡市41岁的杂志发行人费利西雅•霍吉斯,2004年被诊断右乳有肿瘤,她选择动手术同时切除双乳。One patient, Felicia Hodges, a 41-year-old magazine publisher in Newburgh, N. Y. , chose to undergo a double mastectomy after she was found to have cancer of the right breast in 2004.