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给我面包片。Give me toast.

我敬你一杯。A toast to you.

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妈妈正在做烤面包片。Mom is making toast.

划时代的祝酒词。An Epoch-making Toast.

最后让我来祝酒。So I end with a toast.

土司怎么样?我可以做。Toast. I can make toast.

烤面包和果酱怎么样?How about toast and jelly?

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把面包烤得焦黄。Toast the bread very dark.

为我们的新项目干一杯!A toast to our new project!

我提议大家干一杯。I'd like to propose a toast.

为一个好日子举杯祝酒。Raise a toast to a good day.

我们先干一杯怎么样?。Shall we start with a toast?

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我们为了奥拓干杯。We drank a toast to the Alto.

吉姆用烤面包机烤土司。Jim made toast in the toaster.

不给糖果就捣乱。给我面包片。Trick or treat! Give me toast.

一个鸡蛋和吐司面包好了。An egg and toast would be fine.

把最后一块屠簿放上去。Put up the last piece of toast.

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把黄油涂在土司面包上。Spread the butter on the toast.

主人会首先致祝酒词。The host offers the first toast.

您要吐司面包还是小圆面包?Would you prefer toast or rolls?