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神学上的术语就是“全知”。The theological term is " omniscience."

他们不会过度自信或假装什么都知道。They don't get overly confident or pretend omniscience.

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在这个时候,我忽然有了一种全知的感觉。In the midst of this, a sudden sense of omniscience dawned on me.

历史是对于全能全知幻觉最好的解毒药。History is the best antidote to delusions of omnipotence and omniscience.

因特网无所不知是其用途最广、变化最快的特色之一。THE internet’s omniscience is one of its mostuseful and transformative features.

从上帝的全知全能中还可以推出,任何发生的事情都是不可避免的。It also infers from God's omniscience and omnipotence that everything that happens is inevitable.

否定的人认为他们无所不能,但是他们却在错误的领域工作着。The naysayer is operating from a level of otherworldly omniscience and is in the wrong the field of work.

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上帝全知的意念对不敬畏祂的人是毫无意义可言,但是向上帝的儿女却满溢慰藉。Divine omniscience affords no comfort to the ungodly mind, but to the child of God it overflows with consolation.

我们甚至对自己一点点浅薄的知识感到沾沾自喜,而把与日俱增的年龄看作是培养无所不知的天然学堂。We even become vain of our squirrel's hoard of knowledge and regard increasing age itself as a school of omniscience.

从情绪化的观点来看,证悟理应具备的所有的这些不可思议的功德,比如全知。And from the emotional point of view all these amazing qualities that enlightenment supposed to have such as omniscience.

如果你拿走你的头脑,剩下的就是全知。你是你所一直找寻的无所不知的存在,只是被头脑所蒙蔽。If you take away your mind what's left over is Omniscience. You are that omniscient Being that you are seeking, clouded over by mind.

在这种时候,万能的叙述者才不负其盛名,这种全能全知让我们联想到了上帝。It's moments like these when that omniscient narrator lives up to its name, that sense of omniscience that we might associate with God.

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“逻辑全能性质”不只是“理想认知主体”才具有的认知性质,一般的“理性认知主体”也具有某些“逻辑全能”的性质。Logic Omniscience Properties are not the ones that only ideal epistemic agents can have, however general rational agents have some of them.

从另一个角度看,结合我们提出的依据真假概念,它至少能很好地避免逻辑全知问题。Mixed with the concept of dependent truth proposed by us, the system basing upon it can at least avoid the famous logic omniscience problem efficiently.

天眼可能看到死前一点时间或结生后一点时间发生的事,但只有佛陀的正遍知能力可以直接看到死亡意识和结生识。The divine eye may see what happens shortly before death and after rebirth, but it is only the Buddha's omniscience that can see decease-consciousness and rebirth-consciousness directly.

你如果有全智和全能,并且有千百万年的时间来使你的世界臻于完善,你难道创造不出比三K党和法西斯更美好的东西么?Do you think that, if you were granted omnipotence and omniscience and millions of years in which to perfect your world, you could produce nothing better than the Ku Klux Klan or the fascists?