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我开始感到在这个愉快的一家人中间,我的确是碍事。I began to feel unmistakably out of place in that pleasant family circle.

提到西方科技公司,谷歌毋庸置疑高瞻远瞩。When it comes to Western tech companies, Google is unmistakably ahead of the curve.

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中子星的旋转,以及x射线脉冲,这是同一个物体的参数。So you see here unmistakably the rotation of the neutron star and the x-ray pulsations.

他刚硬的面部线条和具有穿透力的目光表明他是纯种俄罗斯人。Putin is unmistakably Russian, with chiseled facial features and those penetrating eyes.

离家6载同时还顺带去了一趟同样位于密苏里州的哥伦比亚市,这种经历往往可以使狗的外表发生很大的变化,但毫无疑问,这条狗的确就是库乔。Six years and a side trip to Columbia can do a lot to a dog, but it was unmistakably Cujo.

史东新明白无误地告诉阿水,韩晓鸥根本不会帮他去搞情报。The new stone unmistakably tell the water, Han Xiaoou couldn't help him to get information.

不管是解释或抱怨,戏谑或严肃,人们的声音都明确无误的真诚。Whether explaining or complaining, joking or serious, the human voice is unmistakably genuine.

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这就是我们描述过的7.3周的开始,此时兴星X一无疑问地会被地球上的所有人看见。This is the start of the 7.3week period we described, where it would be unmistakably visible to all on Earth.

从走廊里开始清晰地听见巴拉莱卡琴声,显而易见,是个什么能手在弹奏。They could then hear distinctly from the corridor the sounds of the balalaika , unmistakably played by a master hand.

美国城市中的移民区内的文化,绝非本乡本土的,而是自旧大陆移植过来的。The immigrant colony in an American city possesses a culture unmistakably not indigenous but transplanted from the Old World.

安德烈公爵心中想着,他抓起旗杆,高兴地听着想必正是向他射来的子弹的啸声。Prince Andrey thought, seizing the staff of the flag, and hearing with relief the whiz of bullets , unmistakably aimed at him.

即便是存活下来,高盛付出的声誉代价一直明显高于另外一个存活者摩根士丹利。Even in surviving, the cost in reputation for Goldman has been unmistakably if obscurely higher than for its fellow survivor, Morgan Stanley.

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每个部落的文学都紧密地交织到日常生活的构架中去,反映了和土地密切相连的确凿无疑的美洲生活经历。Each tribe's literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daily life and reflected the unmistakably American experience of lining with the land.

在另一方面,至少有很多通道,在最后一部分,这显然无误地回顾和假定诗在第一。On the other hand, there are at least as many passages in the last part which clearly and unmistakably look back to and presuppose verses in the first.

有一个将军显要人物很明显是因为等候得太久而感到十分委屈,他坐在那里,交替地架起二郎腿,暗自轻蔑地微笑。One general a person of great consequence , unmistakably chagrined at being kept waiting so long , sat with crossed legs , disdainfully smiling to himself.

这只有着天蓝色翅膀的蛇有着深蓝色的羽毛。它的尖牙毫无疑问是带毒的。而它们也明显地被极小的电流环绕着。This sky blue winged serpent has dark blue plumage. Its fangs no doubt bear poison, but they are also unmistakably surrounded by tiny crackles of electricity.

虽然有时候从画布上滴下的长线型颜料破坏了美感,但是它们精美而刺激感官的外形使明白无误地受到威尼斯人的鼓励?Although sometimes disfigured by long threads of paint dripping from their veils, their delicate, sensuous contours make them unmistakably inspired by the Venetian.