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灌木已结浆果。The shrub has berried.

槲鸫是特例,它们更乐意独占一棵结满果实的树,而驱赶所有的靠近者。Mistle thrushes are an exception. They prefer to defend a berried tree against all-comers.

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但替代埋在垃圾填埋场,现在一些羽毛可以制成塑料。But instead of being berried buried in landfills, some feathers could find a future in plastics.

那个时候拥有的美好事物被我同苦楚一起不分青红皂白地都掩埋了。It was berried together with the pain at that time. But now I realized I had never been poor at all.

还有丝丝橡木味从浓郁又芬芳的浆果、樱桃味道中渗透出来。Dark berried fruits and cherry aromas are also evident, as is a hint of oak and a background inkiness.

白葡萄浆果与这些著名的葡萄酒生产撒丁岛当然是最韦尔芒题诺。The white berried grape with which are produced the most famous wines of Sardinia certainly is Vermentino.

酒体质感卓越,少许丹宁与橡木的气息显著而分明,散发着甘草和浆果的醇香。The wine has impressive texture, with pronounced, well-defined powdery tannins and oak totally absorbed in wash of liquorice and berried fruits.

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蔓越莓淋酱是由加拿大蔓越莓果制作而成。其味道有微微的酸涩味。使用时将蔓越莓淋酱淋在做好的冰淇淋上面稍做搅拌即可。T&G Cranberry Variegato it's a Berried fruit from Canada. The Variegato is easily harsh and sourish. To under mix into the finished frozen ice cream.

本文采用改进的高斯-赛德尔迭代求解磁化强度矢量层析成像方程,在求解方程中引进了与深度有关的权系数。In the inversion process, an improved GaussSadel interative method with a weight coefficient determined according prism's berried depth is introduced.

由紧密皮厚的嘉本纳葡萄酿造,酒体饱满,非常浓郁集中的浆果、黑醋栗和茴芹的香味,口感丰富而广阔。Full bodied with dense layers of tight, saturated Cabernet fruit. A formidable concentration of berried fruits, blackcurrant and anise combine to create a rich and expansive mid-palate.