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这是一个难以想象的悲剧。This is an unimaginable tragedy.

当中很多在不久以前还是不可想象的。Much of this was unimaginable a short time ago.

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成功攻击的结果是意想不到的。The payoff of a successful attack is unimaginable.

这些事情在10年或20年以前是无法想象的。All of these were unimaginable 10 years or 20 years ago.

在我们生气勃勃、身体健康之时,死亡几乎是无法想象的。When we afe in good health, death is all but unimaginable.

不过,奥沙利文却阅历了丁俊晖难以想象的坎坷。However, O'Sullivan has gone through unimaginable rough Ding.

就是这样,对大多数人们来说,独自旅行是难以想像的。So it goes. For most people, traveling alone is unimaginable.

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和老婆没架吵的日子那真是不可想象的。Be unimaginable to live with your spouse without any wrangles.

当我们身强体壮时,死亡是不可想象的。When we are in buoyant health , death is all but unimaginable.

帝离儿睁着美眸,一脸不可思议的道。The throne leaves son Zheng beauteous Mou, way with unimaginable see.

最终我们会意识到,撒旦的长矛无法想象的大。Finally we realize that Satan's spear is of an unimaginable proportion.

你就想不到中国的哪个大官出国会这样的。It's unimaginable for a high Chinese official to move abroad like that.

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数年以来,我采访了许多不可想象灾难的幸存者。Over the years, I have interviewed survivors of unimaginable tragedies.

尽管它看起来难以想象,但是未来的灾难会更加令人恐怖。But unimaginable as it may seem, future catastrophes may be far grimmer.

这些隐私信息一旦泄露,后果不堪设想。Once these privacy information are divulged , consequence is unimaginable.

这些蓝图的设计让人类遭受了多年难以想象的苦难。They are the blueprints that led to years of unimaginable human suffering.

但无线电、电视和电的应用是无从想象的。But radio, television, and the applications of electricity were unimaginable.

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然而,阿西娅积聚起超乎想象的勇气面对公众并反击。Instead, Assiya summoned the unimaginable courage to go public and fight back.

如此一来,世界宣明会的工作人员的付出,确确实实是难以想象的。The amount of effort that World Vision staff spent in the ADP is unimaginable.

把我们和歌贝克力山顶遗迹的修建者们分离开的鸿沟是令人难以想象的。The gulf that separates us from Gobekli Tepe's builders is almost unimaginable.