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科尔·波特Cole Porter.

科尔坚决拒绝,而萨伊德坚决相赠。Cole refused.

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科尔·波特是谁呢Who was Cole Porter?

爱德华。佩瑞曼。科尔在五月去世了。Edward perriman cole died in may.

菜田里开满了油菜花。The field is full of cole flower.

我点了咸猪肉和凉拌生菜丝。I've ordered savory pork and cole slaw.

看看谢丽尔·科尔和塔纳·拉姆齐吧。Just look at Cheryl Cole and Tana Ramsay.

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乔科尔又对利物浦一番恭维。Joe Cole has some compliments on Liverpool.

乔科尔有理由相信他的好运将会来临。Cole has reason to suppose his luck has turned.

我们都爱乔科尔。We all love Joe Cole. The media loves Joe Cole.

乔科尔对新东家流露出崇拜之情。Joe Cole on the new owner reveals his adulation.

乔科尔是及少数及时逃出房产泡沫的投资人之一。Joe Cole was one of the few who got out in time.

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上节课中我们用科尔·波特为例We talked about that in the Cole Porter last time.

乔科尔还有五个月的时间去证明他对切尔西的价值。Joe Cole has five months to prove his worth to Chelsea.

佩里告诉我,科尔先生从来不沾麦芽酒。Perry tells me that Mr. Cole never touches malt liquor.

在西伦敦的日子里,科尔为自己的荣誉簿上添上了华丽的一笔。Cole has added lavishly to his honours list in west London.

前美海军官员伯纳德说,领海问题仍是一个定时炸弹。The territorial issue remains the time bomb, Mr. Cole said.

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科尔重回球场,而特里出任队长,这是他的第二次零封。Cole returns, Terry captains. It's two clean sheets for him.

埃辛和阿什利科尔在莫里尼奥指教切尔西时,都曾在他帐下效力。Both Essien and Cole played for Mourinho in his Chelsea days.

英格兰左后卫科尔昨天在本报体育版上猛烈抨击了波尔。England left-back Cole hit out at Poll in SunSport yesterday.