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当然可以,请便。Sure, be my guest.

处理散客入住。Handle walk in guest.

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当然可以。请便。Of course. Be my guest.

他就是那位主客。He is the honored guest.

宾客们会永远记得婚宴上的食物。Guest remembers the food.

去吧,灵魂,你这肉体之客。Go, Soul, the body's guest.

补充客用品。Replenishes guest supplies.

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关于威客宣传的。Publicize about power guest.

笑脸迎人,靠近接待每位宾客。Smile and greet every guest.

她点灯带客人去睡。She lighted the guest to bed.

我对你的客人有两个问题。Two questions for your guest.

现在让我介绍一下我的客人。Now let me introduce my guest.

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作为你的客人我很荣幸。I feel honored to be your guest.

象无趣恋栈的客人。Lingering like an unloved guest.

依莲娜,亲爱的,我们有一位客人。Ilyena, my love, we have a guest.

常客令人厌。久住非佳宾,常来不欢迎。A constant guest is never welcome.

久住非嘉宾,常来不欢迎。A constant guest is never welcome.

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林间空地,只有一个孤客。Along thy glades a solitary guest.

我陪同我的客人去了我的办公室。I escorted my guest to my offfice.

我要跑下楼陪我的客人了。I'll run down and secure my guest.