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这很容易引起争议。This is more contentious.

从那时起,事情变得越来越富有争议性。Since then, things have grown more contentious.

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配偶权在我国是一项有争议的权利。Connubial right is a contentious right in China.

一个引发争议的过去促成发人深思的未来。A contentious past argues for a provocative future.

那种特指的改革将是在政治上具有争议的。That particular reform will be politically contentious.

拉伸在体育界是个很有争议的话题.Stretching is, of course, a contentious issue in sports.

对苹果来说,雇佣佩珀马斯特是一次极具争议的事件。It was one of the most contentious hires Apple ever made.

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“他是个好丈夫,”她大声说,“不过爱抬扛。”"he's a sweet husband, "she said aloud, "but contentious.

鉴于三家公司颇好争斗的历史,拒绝置评可能是个好主意。That's probably a good idea, given their contentious history.

这样会使得干部提拔的选择更困难、更富于争议。This will make promotion decisions more difficult and contentious.

如何向直选过渡的议题很容易引来争吵。The issue of how to transition toward direct elections is contentious.

对于那些容易引起争议的信息,如死亡人数,必须提供来源。Contentious information, like death tolls in conflict, must be sourced.

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大雨之日连连滴漏,和争吵的妇人一样。A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.

此后,母性成为我们所面对的最具争议性的问题。And with it, mothering has become one of the most contentious issues around.

这位丰田公司的美国销售负责人面对了磨刀霍霍、打算追根究底的国会。The head of Toyotas US sales faced a contentious Congress eager for answers.

此次会议可能存在争议,甚至还可能卷入政治因素。The COP15 discussions will likely be contentious and embroiled with politics.

伯利恒-耶路撒泠南方六英里一市镇,耶稣诞生地,世界上最具纷争的地方。The birthplace of Jesus is today one of the most contentious places on Earth.

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不管怎样,这次峰会的筹备工作还是饱受争议。The preparations for the summit, at any rate, have been unusually contentious.

该任务很难在组织中实行,并且有时会引起争议。This task can be an arduous and sometimes contentious effort in organizations.

对奥巴马而言,最富有争议的问题莫过于格鲁吉亚和乌克兰两国的命运。The most contentious issue for Mr Obama will be the fate of Georgia and Ukraine.