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人力资源验核。Human Resource Auditing.

注册会计师的首要职责是审计。The principal function of CPAs is auditing.

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浅议银行对会计报表审核。Brief comments on accounting auditing statement.

如果你审核一个非J2EE的应用程序。If you are auditing a non-J2EE Java application.

预核准各种审计和非审计事项。Pre-approve all auditing and non-audit services.

我有十年的审计工作经验。I have had ten years experience of auditing work.

要是他们在重复数砖头,让他们进审计部。If they are recounting them put them in auditing.

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使用这个功能,您可以进行行级的审计。Using this feature, you can enable row-level auditing.

记录消息内容,供调试或审核时使用。Log the message contents for debug or auditing purposes.

实施发动机总成清洁度的产品审核。Responsibility for engine assembly cleanliness auditing.

审计要求记录每次访问尝试。Auditing requires that every attempt at access be recorded.

估计审计重要性水平影响审计成本。Estimated auditing materiality level affects auditing cost.

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四是行政监察和审计制度。Fourth, the administrative supervision and auditing systems.

我所教授的审计课程中有一个概念在这里非常适合。I teach a concept in my auditing classes that fits perfectly here.

新的规定同样显示出审计和记帐的问题。The new mandates also present auditing and bookkeeping challenges.

在不朽内存中创建审计线程对象,在堆中运行。Create the auditing thread object in immortal, running in the heap.

日兴的信誉受其审计丑闻影响而大大受损。Nikko's standing had been badly undermined by auditing malpractice.

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监察、审计监督工作力度加大。Oversight in the form of supervision and auditing was strengthened.

基本审计是以数据库为中心的应用程序中的常见特性之一。Basic auditing is a common feature in database-centric applications.

当此事件发生时,该客户机创建审核日志条目。When this event occurs, the client creates a log entry for auditing.