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挥挥你的手。Wave your hand.

冷烫还热烫?。Cold wave or Perm?

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挥一下手Wave them in the air.

每个波总福佑。Each wave total bliss.

波动方程式。It is a wave equation.

一粒盐,发了脾气就是海。A new wave of emotions.

表现主义艺术新浪潮。New Wave Of Expression.

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为什么旗子会飘扬?Why does the flag wave?

哦,我得到了波动力学。Oh, I got wave mechanics.

大且时间久的波浪。Big and long-lasting wave.

船随着波浪颠簸。The ship heaves with wave.

挥手,跟屏幕前的老妈打个招呼Wave. Wave to mom at home.

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你看不见无线电波。You don't see a radio wave.

潮妹天真,玩波踏浪。Naive tide girls, play wave.

你放开执掌他的那双手,一个浪头。You go in his hands, a wave.

美发电棒发式,辫髪,烫发。Iron dry, Braided hair, Wave.

你闻不到无线电波。You can't smell a radio wave.

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你摸不到无线电波。You can't touch a radio wave.

汹涌的大海吞没了那艘小机帆船。A wave of grief engulfed them.

有些池波冲劲也可能很猛。Some wave pools can get rough.