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皮肤看起来水润容光焕发。Skin looks hydrated and glowing.

玻璃珠凝胶在使用之前不需要水化。Glass bead gels need not be hydrated prior to use.

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皮肤感觉非常软和保湿。Skin feels very soft and hydrated after application.

用后皮肤如丝般幼滑,健康柔润。After use, let skin silkily smooth, healthy and hydrated.

美国航空航天局在火星上发现了水合盐矿物的条纹。NASA has found lines of "hydrated" salt minerals on Mars.

一周之中白开水可以很好保持水化的。Plain water is fine for staying hydrated during the week.

含水肌肤看上去比较饱满,所以皱纹也不那么明显。Hydrated skin is dewy and plumper, so lines are less obvious.

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一种白色的弱酸,是二氧化与水结合的形式。A white weak acid that is a hydrated form of titanium dioxide.

在出行用品清单上,保持足量饮用水是个经常被忽视的内容。Keeping hydrated is an often-overlooked item on many checklists.

考试前和考试时要喝足够的水,保持充足的身体所需的水分。Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated before and during an exam.

鳄梨和椰汁可以让你的皮肤水润光滑。The avocado and coconut water will keep you hydrated and silky smooth.

水能使你保持水润,帮助你带走身体里的毒素。Water keeps you hydrated and helps to flush out toxins from your body.

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它包含了水,石灰,树木保护剂和食用红色素。It contains water , hydrated lime , a tree protectant and red food color.

洛拉克霜口红是润泽唇膏叶嘴唇感觉柔软和保湿。Lorac Cream Lipstick, lipstick wet leaves lips feeling soft and hydrated.

并经系列含水硫酸盐脱水反应实验验证。The validity Was confirmed by dehydration reactions of hydrated sulfates.

它具有保持体内水分和调节体温的功能。Your skin keeps your body hydrated and regulates your body’s temperature.

你还是得吃饭,但是如果你多喝水的话,你就不会经常觉得饿。You'll still need to eat, but if you stay hydrated you'll get hungry less.

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吉露果冻就是一种水合的胶原蛋白溶液,它含水极多Jell-o is just a hydrated solution of collagen and it contains a lot of water.

要保持充足的水分,你必须有意识的定时饮水。To stay hydrated you need to make a concious effort to be drinking water regularly.

平均每天喝8到10杯水,这是你身体每天的需水量。Drink an average of 8 to 10 glasses of water each day your body needs to be hydrated.