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只是对不明就里的人而言,这一想法是偏狭的。The idea was outlandish only to the innocent.

因此,他们有时会有一些非常奇特的想法。As a result, they sometimes lunge at outlandish ideas.

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苏格拉底引入这个提议,依然古怪。Socrates presents this proposal, again, as outlandish.

他穿了一套稀奇古怪的衣装,粉红色裤子、绿色旅游鞋。He wore an outlandish outfit of pink pants and green sneakers.

你往往喜欢那种时髦但并不太怪异的假发。They tend to like wigs that are stylish, but not too outlandish.

为了追求青春美丽,什么方法都称不上太古怪。In the quest for youthful beauty, no treatment is too outlandish.

可以说,NIA的整个理念听起来有点古怪,难以接受。The whole concept of the NIA sounds more than a little outlandish.

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停止接受所有的经济制裁,以及制造古怪的关于‘美国好战’的宣言。Stop getting all emo and making outlandish statements about US warmongering.

猴子穿了一套古怪的衣服,粉红的裤子,绿色的靴子。The monkey was dressed in an outlandish outfit of pink pants and green boots.

穿着奇装异服招摇过市的大有人在。There are quite some people swaggering through the streets in outlandish clothes.

你们将会看到,你们的这个恹恹无神的气色,酝酿的背景正是生活中,奇形怪状的羞愧。You will see this vapid air of yours run up against an outlandish shame of living.

技术评论的博客指出,这一方法并不像听起来那么稀奇古怪。The Technology Review blog noted that this process isn’t as outlandish as it seems.

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德国对于狗类的喜爱之情令纳粹失去了对于该工程的古怪目标的判断能力。Germany's love of dogs may have blinded the Nazis to the outlandish goals of their project.

这可能会把所有以外域一口价定价的物品过滤到物品栏的底部。This should filter all of the items with outlandish buyout prices to the bottom of the list.

为了帮助他的战友,小林想出了一个绝妙的怪招。这可真是你必须亲眼见到才能相信的一招!To help his teammate, Krillin concocts an outlandish plan that you'll have to see to believe!

这起绑架案听起来好象是尼日利亚充裕没有风姿的影戏内中的一个蹩脚片断。The abduction sounds like a far-fetched script from one of Nigeria's popular outlandish films.

古怪而精巧的设计展示了对未来各种可能性的预测。Outlandish contraptions featured in just about every prediction of what the future would bring.

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这种看跌的预测看起来有点古怪,但是和卡桑德拉不同的是,Minerva有不少信徒。Such a bearish prospect may appear outlandish but, unlike Cassandra, Minerva has many believers.

另一种则是别人生病,他们巧立名目收费,而不过是用传统方法治病。Another is to tell people they are sick, then offer them a traditional cure for an outlandish sum.

庞氏骗局以查尔斯·庞茨的名字命名,而他本人则可能是这类骗术最具传奇色彩的异国实施者。Charles Ponzi was probably the most colorful and outlandish practitioner of the scheme that bears his name.