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那些塞莫皮莱的勇士最后怎样?。What happened to the warriors at Thermopylae?

它抵达英国时比“塞姆皮雷”号晚了1个星期。She arrived in England a week after the Thermopylae.

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它抵达英国时比“赛母皮雷”号晚了一个星期。She arrived in England a week after the Thermopylae.

但此时,塞姆已经领先500多英里了。But by now, the Thermopylae was over 500 miles ahead.

另外一艘唯一适合她使用的宇宙飞船是塞莫皮莱号。The only other ship to match her was the Thermopylae.

斯巴达国王里奥尼达斯率领军队前往塞莫皮莱隘口。The Spartan King Leonidas led the army to the pass at Thermopylae.

他可以和莱翁尼达斯一起,战死在塞莫皮莱①,也可以和克伦威尔一起,焚烧德罗赫达②。He would have perished at Thermopylae with Leonidas, and burned at Drogheda with Cromwell.

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在西方战争传统当中,塞莫皮莱之战象征着不朽的英雄主义和牺牲精神。In Western military tradition, the Battle of Thermopylae is a symbol of undying heroism and sacrifice.

比赛开始后,“塞姆皮雷号”率先抵达爪哇岛,但在印度洋上,“卡蒂萨克号”驶到了前面。The first of the two ships to reach Java after the face had begun was the Thermopylae but on the Indian Ocean, the Cutty Sark took the lead.

尽管换上新舵时分秒必争,但“卡萨萨克”号已经不可能取胜了。它抵达英国时比“赛母皮雷”号晚了一个星期。Though the new rudder was fitted at tremendous speed, it was impossible for the Cutty Sark to win. She arrived in England a week after the Thermopylae.

希腊的舰队在阿特密西昂被击败,塞莫皮莱受到袭击,雅典被征服,希腊人被迫退到科林斯湾地峡和萨罗尼克湾的最后防线上。The Greek fleet was beaten at Artemisium, Thermopylae stormed, Athens conquered, the Greeks driven back to their last line of defence at the Isthmus of Corinth and in the Saronic Gulf.

这道狭窄的海峡即是塞莫皮莱,在此开战仅三天斯巴达人便砍倒了20000敌兵,让波斯人尝尽了战败而亡的苦头。This narrow strait was called Thermopylae. For the first three days of the battle, the Spartans gave the Persians a brutal taste of death and defeat, killing a total of 20, 000 Persians.