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怪石嶙峋的卡西斯悬崖从地中海中拔地而起。The jagged cliffs of Cassis drop down to the Mediterranean Sea.

丰富而优雅葡萄酒,醋栗果浆口感,余韵悠长。Rich and elegant wine with jammy cassis fruits in lingering finish.

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活泼可人的黑莓玫瑰香氛散发着无比快活的气息。And our vivacious, playful Cassis Rose fragrance just radiates bliss.

散发着植物芳香,具有香浓的欧洲黑醋栗与西洋李子气息。Concentrated creme de cassis and damson plums to the flore, with floral aromas.

这些都是在三一广场喝下一杯味美思和黑茶蕉子酒后激发的快活念头。These are sunny thoughts inspired by a vermouth cassis at the Place de la Trinité.

散发黑醋栗及清新薄荷水果香味,与香草橡木味道完美融合。Fresh, complex cassis and mint fruit flavours with some well integrated vanillin oak.

入口甜美,成熟的黑色水果香和黑醋栗味萦绕于齿颊之间。The palate starts sweet with a mouth filling bouquet of ripe black fruits, and cassis.

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黑醋栗的果香与黑樱桃、黑加仑子及雪茄盒的芳香十分馥郁。Exuberant cassis fruit on the nose, with black cherry, blackcurrant and cigar box notes.

以黑莓玫瑰身体沐浴露洁净肌肤后,涂上黑莓玫瑰身体润肤露滋润肌肤。Cleanse your body using Cassis Rose Bath & Shower Gel. Moisturise using Cassis Rose Body Lotion.

结尾是馨香中隐约的有薄荷,橄榄,黑醋栗和雪松味,柔软而悠长的单宁。The flavor has undertones of mint, olives, cassis and cedar finishing with soft lingering tannins.

赤霞珠、梅乐赋予这款酒浓郁杏仁、李子和薄荷的香气,口感饱满和谐,成熟浆果、红黑醋栗带给你浓厚的味觉感受。Rich almond, plum and mint on the nose, followed by ripe berry, cassis and red currant on the palate.

丹宁柔和,充满成熟浆果幽香,黑松露、雪茄盒、巧克力和烤橡木味道。Elegant tannins combined with fragrance ripe cassis fruits, truffle, cigar box, chocolate and toasty oak.

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酒色深红,显示出加本纳系葡萄特有的黑色浆果香与口感。Deep in colour this intense Cabernet shows a combination of black fruits on the nose and cassis on the palate.

香甜成熟的黑醋栗、皮革和泥土的风芳,口感如丝般柔滑。Beautiful sweet, ripe cassis fruit with notes of leather and earth make this soft, silky wine very approachable already.

先散发出强烈的酸果蔓,香料,巧克力香味,接着是由柑橘味加深的樱桃,咖啡和黑醋栗的味道。Powerful aromas of cranberry, spice boc, chocolate covered cherries, coffee and cassis are brightened by hints of citrus.

由成熟浓缩的黑樱桃和黑醋栗形成独特的香味,丝般柔顺的单宁,回味带有一丝辛香的巧克力味。A ripe, concentrated black cherry and cassis fruit character, hints of spice and chocolate on the finish with soft, silky, tannins.

在口中具有极佳的平衡感,充满了甜美的黑色水果,洋李,李子干和醋栗的味道,回味超乎想像的持久且清新。Superbly well-balanced, it offers sweet dark fruit, plum, prune and cassis flavors, closing with a tremendously long, fresh finish.

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它在法国产橡木桶中放置一年后装瓶,拥有独特的黑巧克力与黑茶藨子酒的味道,因此味道更为丰富。Aged for one year in French Tron ?ais and Allier oak barrels, Equuleus is rich and full bodied with flavours of cassis and dark chocolate.

这款桃红酒富含树莓,草莓和黑醋栗香气,然后是带有桑椹果和草莓口味活泼而愉悦的口感。The resultant Rose abounds with raspberry, strawberry and cassis aromas, followed by a crisp lively palate with mulberry and strawberry flavors.

前往卡西斯的游客较少,但自上世纪50年代以来,吸引了不少富有的欧洲人前去度假。Cassis is still certainly less travelled by many tourists, but since the early 1950s it has become something of a hideaway for wealthy Europeans.