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周围的硫化银呈皮壳状、放射状。Crust or radial shape of silver sulphide.

本发明涉及一种生产硫化钡的生产方法。The invention relates the method for production of barium sulphide.

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武山铜矿是一大型地下铜硫矿山。Wushan Copper Mine is a large underground copper sulphide ore mine.

在自然界中,镍主要以硫化镍矿和氧化镍矿状态存在。In the nature, the nickel mainly exists by sulphide ore and oxide ore.

BK-330是北京矿冶研究总院新近研制的一种铜硫分离选择性捕收剂。BK-330 produced recently by BGRIMM is a new sulphide mineral collector.

各种钢、铁、铝、铜件与橡胶粘合、硫化。Of steel, iron, aluminium, copper and rubber pieces together, sulphide.

含黄铁矿硫化物石英脉是有利的找矿标志。The pyrite-bearing sulphide quartz vein is the best sign for prospecting.

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研制成一种含锡的硫化镉色素,具有较好的耐高温和耐腐蚀性能。Tin is introduced to cadmium sulphide and a new yellow pigment is developed.

本文介绍了叶绿素、硫化物在油脂中的存在情况。This article introduces the existing situation of chlorophyl and sulphide in oi!

由于含有大量硫化氢和多种微量元素,有“神水”之称。Since containing hydrogen sulphide and microelements, it's called "sacred water".

介绍了用催化酸浸工艺从铜铋硫化物渣中回收铜。The catalysis-acid leaching process of copper bismuth sulphide dregs is introduced.

硫化铜镍矿常用的分选方法是浮选。The flotation is the common method to be used for separating Cu-Ni sulphide deposit.

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它们在秘鲁和智利一带缺氧的水域以硫化氢为食。They feed on hydrogen sulphide in oxygen-starvedwaters in a band off Peru and Chile.

各种化合锌态比较,醋酸锌更易被动物吸收,而硫化锌中锋的生物学效价较低。Zinc acetate was more available than other forms of zinc and zinc sulphide was lowest.

研究了一种一次烧成镉硒红釉的新工艺。New technology of once sintering sulphide selenide cadmium base red glaze is researched.

未处理的焦炉气中含有硫化氢气体,它是由煤中的硫产生的。Crude coke oven gas contains hydrogen sulphide which is produced from sulphur in the coal.

磁黄铁矿是矿山尾矿堆中最为常见且分布很广的一种硫化铁矿物。Pyrrhotite is the most common and abundant iron sulphide mineral in mine wastes worldwide.

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采用低温低压浸出技术对复杂硫化钴进行研究。The leaching of low-pressure and low-temperature on complex cobalt sulphide ore were studied.

笔者对硫化锌精矿加压浸出过程的热平衡进行了计算。In this paper the heat balance of pressure leaching for zinc sulphide concentrate is calculated.

本文对硫化碱还原硝基化合物的反应历程写法提出了自己的见解。This paper presents one's opinion for reduction course in alkali sulphide reduce nitro compound.