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我是从扶手上滑下来的。I am slip from armrest those who come down.

我将扶手取下,这样您就可以躺下来了。I'll take out the armrest and you can lie down.

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必须抓着车上的扶手才不至于倾斜和跌倒。Must hold the car armrest was not tilt and fall.

髋广度是用于宽度椅子扶手和宽度。Hip breadth is used for chair width and armrest width.

扶手里有一副耳机供您欣赏音乐。There's a head set plug in the armrest for you to enjoy music.

嗯,扶手里有一副耳机供你欣赏音乐。Well, there's a headset plug in the armrest for you to enjoy music.

合金轮椅,固定扶手、脚踏,牛津布坐背垫。Wheelchair, Fixed armrest and footrest, Painted frame, Nylon cushion.

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健美的扶手和死亡的脚休息,也提供了额外的舒适。A slim armrest and dead foot rest are also provided for extra comfort.

扶手里有一副耳机供你欣赏音乐或电影。There's head-set plug in the armrest for you to enjoy music and movie.

我用扶手上的电话与办公室通了电话,然后接上了电脑。I called my office from the armrest phone, then plugged in my computer.

您只要按下座椅扶手上的按钮,同时身体向后靠就行了。Just press the button on your armrest and lean backward at the same time.

救生衣放在座位下面或者中间扶手的下面。Your lifejacket is located under your seat or beneath your centre armrest.

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扶手和柱脚应四平八稳。Armrest and suspension column should lacking in initiative and overcautious.

从扶手角度到腰部支撑的高度,它可以通过九种不同的方式进行调节。It adjusts in nine different ways, from armrest angle and height to lumbar support.

您座椅扶手上有一个钮,按下去,同时向后靠就行了。There's a button here on your armrest. Just push it and lean back at the same time.

鸿渐紧握椅子的靠手,防自己跳起来。Hung-chien tightly gripped the armrest of his chair to keep himself from jumping up.

除此之外,腰垫和扶手也可以减少椎间盘的压力。In addition, the waist cushion and armrest , also can reduce the intervertebral disc pressure.

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我注意到一定随处可见的软帽放在扶手上,伍迪就是用它来隐瞒自己的身份的。I noticed the ubiquitous floppy fedora he wore to conceal his identity, resting on the armrest.

而扶手领地的战役在使用手提电脑的时期将会演变得更加的炽烈。The battle for armrest dominance has grown ever more intense in the era of the laptop computer.

座椅扶手的鼓风机确保输出的暖风或冷风保持在最佳温度水平。The blower in the armrest ensures that the output of heated or cooled air is at optimum levels.