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花园里花草茂密,五彩缤纷。The garden is carpeted with a mass of multicoloured flowers.

文章对这些绚丽多彩的楚汉丝织品作了介绍。This paper makes an introduction to these multicoloured silk articles.

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大彩球挂在目光灯下,五颜六色的缎带垂到地板。啊!Big pompon is hanged below look lamp, the lace of multicoloured hangs down floor.

一天晚上,他梦想著他的照片已成为活著和多色羊获得丢失。One night, he dreamt his pictures had become alive and the multicoloured sheep had got lost.

但是形形色色、五彩的网页,带着老花镜的您是否能轻松操作?But mixed, multicoloured webpage, taking presbyopic glasses whether can be you operated easily?

广大网友,十分抱歉,应学校要求本五彩网已经删除该视频。Broad netizen, very feel sorry, should the school asks this multicoloured net has deleted this video.

杂种彩叶草为多年生草本植物,其别名有五彩苏、洋紫苏等。Grass of crossbred color page is vivacious herb, its alias has multicoloured revive, foreign purple perilla.

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神奇的海底世界丛生着五彩斑谰。形态各异的珊瑚。Magical marine world is fascicular multicoloured spot calumniate, configuration the coral of each different.

起初,他在大街上游荡,看着五光十色的商店的陈列橱窗,觉得挺自在。At first, he loafs about on the ave, look at the showcase window of multicoloured shop, feel quite comfortable.

进入心灵茶馆,走进五彩缤纷的思想丛林,我们便会顿觉异香弥漫,沁人心脾,总能在这字里行间中感悟着什么。We always are moved by the words in this place like walking into multicoloured woods or having a cup of coffee.

你一定以为这些魅力非凡、色彩斑斓的鱼儿、紫蛞蝓和海胆应该属于马尔代夫或大堡礁的温暖海域,然而,它们却栖息在威尔士附近的海域。The multicoloured fish, violet sea slugs and purple urchins, however, inhabit the waters off the coast of Wales.

在一个平日阳光灿烂的下午,女人们身着土耳其长袍在宽阔的广场,低下通道聊天。In the sun of a weekday afternoon, women in multicoloured kaftans gossip in the spacious squares and underpasses.

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加勒比海岸上的壮观风景和五颜六色的丛林花园让人仿佛置身天堂。The jungly garden of the grand scenery on Caribbean bank and multicoloured lets a person as if place oneself heaven.

这一天,人们制作五光十色的南瓜灯,品尝花样繁多的南瓜糕点,还要举行南瓜大王赛。On this day, people make multicoloured pumpkins, tasting the great variety of pumpkin pastry, also held a great pumpkin.

本来平淡无奇的市民生活在城市自身的行走履历中,被演绎得五光十色而戏剧性纷呈。The originally dull citizen lives a life in the city's own walking curriculum vitae, Deduced so that multicoloured and dramaticism appears.

或是艳丽的粉红长围巾上,五彩线条攀然而下,愣是给平静的黑色上衣增添了万千妩媚。Or it is gorgeous pink rebozo go up, multicoloured line is climbed fall however, be stupefied is to gave quiet black jacket to add myriad charm.

而现代工艺中各种高质涂漆的喷涂也增添除银白、金黄外的各种五彩颜色。And the spray of all sorts of tall qualitative lacquer in modern technology also is added except silvery white, golden all sorts of multicoloured color outside.

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各种各样七彩斑斓的鱼儿游弋在碧透礁湖中,穿梭于同样五彩缤纷的珊瑚丛中。An extraordinary variety of multicoloured fish of different shapes and sizes, living in the blue turquoise lagoons, can be spotted in the surrounding coral reefs.

殊不知,五颜六色的灯光除对人视力危害甚大外,还会干扰大脑中枢高级神经的功能。Little imagine, the lamplight of multicoloured divides pair of person eyesight the harm is very great outside, still can disturb brain center advanced nerval function.

现在不少家庭在选用灯具和光源时忽视了合理的采光需要,把灯光设计成五颜六色,炫目刺眼。Many families ignored reasonable daylighting to need when choosing lamps and lanterns and illuminant now, design lamplight into multicoloured , dazzle eye offending to the eye.