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在躯体内,血液日夜沸腾。Make my blood day and night boil amain.

我的心没底止的跟着风吹。My heart follows the wind that blows amain.

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所以,研究作家“自述”是文学史研究的一项主要内容。So to study self-narration is amain content of the literary studies.

目前,其将逐渐成为支柱产业,进入全速发展阶段。Current, its will make pillar industry gradually, enter develop level amain.

她说她决定不买这座房子了,因为它在交通要道上。She said that she had decided not to buy the house because it was on amain road.

建立全球资源共享体系乃世界之大趋势。It is amain trend of the world to establish the system of global resource-sharing.

该组织依赖于一个主要的竞争优势,即零售咖啡。The organization is dependant on amain competitive advantage, the retail of coffee.

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本会志愿者并且充当了一个主要角色或由捐赠或参加。This met the volunteer and to play amain role either by the donation or the participation.

基础教育课程改革的不断深化,对以考试为主要手段的学科评价传统提出了挑战。The improvement of basic education cl ass is challenging the subject evaluation custom which takes exams as amain method.

本论文在系统的背景分析基础上,指出施工总承包模式依然是国内建筑市场主要的承发包模式。On the base of systematic background analysis, This Thesis points it out that construction's total contract pattern will be amain contract-pattern of domestic building-market as before.