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像你这样的人吓唬不了我。Someone like you won't spook me.

如果有必要,我可以代你写封信的。I can spook a letter for you, if necessary.

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这可能会引起马匹的无故受惊。This may cause horses to unexplainably spook.

别以为你们能用这些神啊鬼啊的故事吓着我!Don't think you're going to spook me with these fairy tales!

别让记者缠住你,而你还得举止文雅。Don't let the repoter spook you, and you have to behave urbanely.

我们相信,一个聪明的专业寝食不安阿萨德杜拉尼预计?Are we expected to believe Asad Durrani, a clever professional spook?

而且这可能使为这些全部赤字提供资金的债券的购买者受到惊吓。and that might spook the buyers of bonds that finance all those deficits.

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斯布克和亚伦把手凹起来放在他的脚下把他举向第一个树枝上。Spook and Aaron cupped their hands under his foot and heaved him up to the first branch.

此外,危机还将影响全球信贷市场,提升美国公债的融资成本。It would also spook global credit markets, raising the costs of financing US public debt.

研究人员还发现,即使是一只死掉的气味散尽的蚂蚁都足以把蜜蜂们给吓破胆。Researchers found that even a dead ant with its odor removed is enough to spook the bees.

北京迅速行动阻止这些示威者,以免令惊吓外国投资者。Beijing acted quickly to discourage these demonstrators so as not to spook foreign investors.

我们继续前进,我们的女儿没有看见任何东西,只是认为我们在捉弄她。We continued our drive. My daughter had not seen anything and thought we were making it up to spook her.

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瑞银在研究报告中称,上海黄金交易所提高白银保证金比率可能使一些仍做多白银的投资者惶惶不安.UBS said in a note that SGE's margin increase may spook some investors who are still bullish on the metal.

驯鹿可能突然受到惊吓,所以尼尔斯•皮德尔在他生计所依赖的鹿群中镇静地跪了下来。Reindeer can spook suddenly, so Nils Peder kneels calmly in the midst of the herd on which his livelihood depends.

当有突如其来的噪音出现在他们的盲点时马有时会受惊或突然踢蹄。Horses may occasionally spook or suddenly kick at unexpected noises in their blind spots, of where they cannot see.

首先你先要死去,最好是惨死,之后,将你部分的灵魂留在地球上,出没于鬼屋并且家人附近。First you have to die, maybe tragically, then leave part of your soul hanging around earth to spook relatives and haunt houses.

评级下调可能会令美国政府赖以借款、业已紧张的个人投资者或外国投资者更加不安。A downgrade could further spook already-nervous individual investors or foreign investors the U.S. government depends on to borrow.

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我怎么知道你不但怕高又怕鬼,都那么大的人了,应该知道鬼是假的呀。How will i know that you are not only afraid of height, but also afraid of spook?Such grown up you are, and you should know that the spook is not true.

Gresser表示,美国国会领导者不太可能允许引发贸易争端而吓坏金融市场的事发生.Gresser said it was unlikely that U.S. congressional leaders will allow any action that could spook financial markets by raising fears of an all-out trade war.

此外,这种椅子能多个叠垒在一起方便地收纳入花园的储藏室中,当然它们也同样适合室内使用,或者令家宴的座上客吃一把小惊。Moreover, the chairs can be stacked up to seven high and stowed in a garden shed, although they could equally be indoor residents and spook dinner party guests.