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几丁质酶在昆虫病原真菌的入侵中有重要作用。Chitinase has a important role when pathogenetic fungi infected insects.

本院报告一个病例,并说明隐翅虫的生活环境与致病机转。By the way, explaining habit of paederus living and the pathogenetic mechanism.

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目的探讨糖尿病脑病的发病机制。Objective To investigate the pathogenetic mechanism of diabetic encephalopathy.

心肌炎是一种由多种致病因素所引起的复杂疾病。Myocarditis is a complex disease because multiple pathogenetic factors play a role.

目的总结急性胰腺炎发病机理的研究进展。Objective To summarize the recent pathogenetic researches on the acute pancreatitis.

本组病例发病特点基本符合多基因遗传规律。The pathogenetic character in our cases accord basically with polygenic inheritance.

对严重为害仙客来的萎凋病进行病原菌分离纯化,并进行致病性测定。Isolation of pathogenetic fungi of cyclamen stem wilt have been done and predisposition tested.

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这一病变的致病机理之一就是血管成纤维细胞的功能紊乱。One of the pathogenetic mechanisms involved is the functional derangements of vascular fibroblasts.

钙超载是心肌顿抑发生的重要机制。Calcium overloading has been identified as an important pathogenetic mechanism in myocardial stunning.

水痘-带状疱疹病毒能引起水痘及带状疱疹。The main pathogenetic organisms are herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster virus, and cytomegalovirus.

融合功能发育不全是间歇性外斜视发病机制的主要因素。The unsoundness growth of fusion function was the major pathogenetic factor in intermittent exotropia.

目的探讨平山病的临床特征、影像学特点及发病机制。Objective To study the clinical and radiological features, pathogenetic mechanisms of Hirayama Disease.

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MTAP基因表达缺失导致ODC的活化可能是卵巢癌的发病机制之一。Activation of ODC resulting from MTAP deletion may be one of the pathogenetic factors of ovarian cancer.

因此,在急性心肌梗塞时,评估PTX3是否发挥了致病作用尤其重要。It was therefore important to assess whether PTX3 plays a pathogenetic role in acute myocardial infarction.

特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症是一种原因不明的少见的肺出血性疾病。Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis is a rare pulmonary hemorrhagic disease dial pathogenetic cause is not clear.

结论糖尿病患者易合并眼肌麻痹,其微血管病变可能是临床发病的病理基础。Conclusion Microvascular pathologic change may be the pathogenetic basis of ophthalmoplegia for diabetic patients.

患者一旦被确诊为旋毛虫病,应立即使用抗虫药物丙硫咪唑,病情严重者应增用地塞米松。Albendazole ought to be used immediately, and to be added with dexamethasone when pathogenetic condition was serious.

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目的探讨病毒性脑炎儿童脑电图异常与病情及预后关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between EEG, pathogenetic condition and prognosis in viral encephalitis children.

并对A型性格促使急性充血性青光眼发病机理和性格改造进行了讨论。The pathogenetic mechanism of acute congested glaucoma in A-type character and reforming of the character are also discussed.

本文描述了该病菌的培养特征、形态特性、症状及发病规律。Its culture features, morphological characteristics, infection symptoms and pathogenetic regularity were described in this paper.