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神要使用人。God uses people.

它使用热空气。It uses hot air.

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谁会穿只有一条裤管的裤子?Who uses one pant?

谁使用排名?Who uses rankings?

元组有很多用途。Tuples have many uses.

相反,它使用信号。Instead, it uses signals.

魔术师使用骗术。A magician uses deception.

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乙用少得多的燃料。B. It uses much less fuel.

使用该品种鸡。This variety uses chicken.

可是没有人用麦金塔。Butt nobody uses Macintosh!

铁有多种用处。Iron has a variety of uses.

ESP的潜在应用领域包括Potential uses for ESP include

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谁使用传统医学?Who uses traditional medicine?

沃斯克用他来做市场调查。He uses him in market research.

只使用免费软件。Uses exclusively free software.

Wegmans也用自己的名字。Wegmans also uses its own name.

简单的潜望镜使用平面镜。A simple periscope uses mirrors.

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惟此,才安全使用之。Alone this, ability safety uses.

常常是苦尽甘来。Sweet are the uses of adversity.

什么动物会用“鱼杆”来“钓鱼”?Which animal uses a fishing rod?