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现在叫援护消耗能量点。Instead, strikers now deplete power stock.

是巨猿耗尽竹资源的吗?Did they deplete the bamboo resources themselves?

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过度耕作而使土壤变得贫瘠参见。Impoverish the soil by overuse . See Synonyms at deplete.

所以就他们就把它们划给了行用卡或用光储蓄。So they bill these expenses to their credit card or deplete savings.

不过,这位总统似乎并未完全耗尽自己的政治资本。But the president is unlikely to deplete his political capital completely.

这可能会促进藻类大量繁殖增长,耗尽水中的氧气列。That could promote the growth of alga blooms which deplete oxygen in the water column.

放射外科治疗的目标是使瘤细胞萎缩而保护正常细胞。The goal of radiosurgery is to deplete tumor cells while preserving normal structures.

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这会促进藻花繁生继而耗尽水体中的氧气。That could promote the growth of algal blooms which deplete oxygen in the water column.

通过很少数量的请求,攻击者可以耗尽应用程序的线程池。With a small number of requests, the attacker can deplete the application's thread pool.

援护点被废除。现在叫援护消耗能量点。Striker Stocks have been abolished in KOF2001. Instead, strikers now deplete power stock.

我只好取出了我大部分存款来支付家具费用。I have had to deplete my bank account of most of my money to pay for the house furnishings.

应确保提供足够的空气,因为动火工作会消耗封闭空间的氧气。Adequate air supply must be provided as hot work will deplete oxygen content in the confine space.

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例如,假设您正在处理一个很大的订单,要耗尽该项的库存。For example, assume you are processing a very large order that will deplete the stock of that item.

另一方面,如果消费者无法足够快地读取池,生产者必须慢下来或暂停。Reflexively, the producer may slow or stall if the consumer cannot deplete the pool quickly enough.

支援兵的弹药消耗很快,需要突击兵来补给他们。Support players will deplete ammunition quickly, and will need the rifleman class to resupply them.

身体、感情以及精神上的精疲力竭来耗尽你自己,随之而来的就是疾病的到来Deplete yourself with physical, emotional and mental exhaustion and then wait for the illness to arrive

感情上的创伤是最快也是最简单的在霎那间耗尽你能量的方法。Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant.

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至于说这种稻株会耗尽土壤中的铁更是不可能的,因为铁是地球上最丰富的金属元素。It is unlikely that they will deplete the soil of iron, as iron is the most abundant metallic element in it.

你是否能巧妙地处理这样的情况,而不会影响公司积累的公众良好信誉?Can you handle the situation in sucha way that you don’t deplete your company’s storehouse of civic goodwill?

必须提供持续的和足够的气源,因为动火作业会消耗受限空间中的氧气。Continuous and adequate air supply must be provided as hot work will deplete oxygen content in the confine space.