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应用程序已通过验证。Applications verified.

我获得了什么应用程序?What applications do I get?

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支持多页面应用程序。Enable multi-page applications.

支持多页面应用程序。Support multi-page applications.

用作软轴保护套管。Use for flexible axle applications.

第二个大的领域是应用程序。A second broad area is applications.

2009年,入禀的司法覆核申请共有144宗。In 2009, 144 applications were filed.

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主应用程序屏幕显示。The main applications screen displays.

NET应用程序的偏好是使用单一的ASP。NET applications using single-file ASP.

你们已经收到了大量申请吗?Have you been deluged with applications?

大多数应用程序被打开全屏幕。Most applications are opened full-screen.

应用程序或服务器没有冗余性No redundancy for applications or servers

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四分之一反过来或上升干应用。Quarter-turn or rising stem applications.

运行一两款反间谍软件。Run one or two anti-spyware applications.

防静电热风枪的广泛使用?The Applications of ESD Safe hot air guns?

迟交的申请要收取附加费。A surcharge is levied on late applications.

获取白皮书和示例应用程序Get the whitepapers and sample applications

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举出一些应用光反射的例子。Give some applications of light reflection.

ngio将有益于几个关键的应用。NGIO will benefit several key applications.

大部分的应用程序都不会从NDK收益。The NDK will not benefit most applications.