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电子预印本是一种开放的学术信息交流媒介。E-print is an open communication intermedium of scholarly information.

颈动脉内膜中层厚度应用高分辨B-型超声仪测定。The carotid intermedium thickness was detected with high-resolution B-ultrasound.

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现在的我已在一个中型企业里当了2年的会计了。Now, I'm working for an intermedium enterprise as an accountant for about 2 years.

异附加系TAI-11中附加的中间偃麦草染色体只具有低分子量麦谷蛋白基因位点。The other addition line, TAI-11 only presented HMW-GS gene locus from Th. intermedium.

希望能够与全世界喜爱现代音乐的朋友藉此交流了!I wish it as an intermedium to get in touch with contemporary music lovers around the world.

其中,通信语言是智能体之间传送信息和交换知识的媒介。Communication language is a intermedium to transport information and exchange knowledge among agents.

第五章介绍了中间阶层各阶层的基本特征。Chapter Five offers a presentation of the basic features of the various strata of the intermedium class.

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皮革材料对产品不但起媒介作用,而且皮革本身的风格直接构成形象的感性形式。Leather chemicals are the intermedium of production. The style of leather also affect visual appearance.

铜管脱脂,氮气保护退火对降低氧化膜中碳的含量无明显效果。The intermedium pickling and oxidation annealing can greatly reduce the carbon content in the oxide film.

然后通过RAPD分子检测确定后代中含有天蓝偃麦草染色体组的DNA序列。Then, we used RAPD to detect all progenies, in which contained the DNA sequence of Thinopyrum intermedium.

研究了菌株DN2降解烟碱的特性和对烟草废弃物中烟碱的降解情况。The kinetics of nicotine degradation by O. intermedium DN2 and its application in tobacco waste were investigated.

结果表明,钢中的硫和铸坯的支撑段是影响中间裂纹的主要因素。Results show that the sulfur content of steel and support segments are main factors leading to the intermedium cracks.

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它的出现为艺术的传播提供了新的传播媒介,并且出现了“电视艺术”的提法。Its appearance has provided the new intermedium of artistic propagation, and consequently, "TV art"has been referenced.

作为沟通政府与社会的桥梁纽带,社会中介组织发挥着积极作用。Being intermedium between government and society, social intermediate organizations play important roles in communication.

翻译是两种语言、两种文化之间交流的媒介。Translation serves as an intermedium between two different languages, between the peoples of two countries, and between two different cultures.

竞争行为与竞争状态不具有一贯统一性,在多方面的分野决定了二者在竞争法中具有不同的适用价值。The regulated objects of competition law are competitive behaviors, but the competitive state is the intermedium of the values of competition law.

会展经济作为流量经济的媒介与载体,具有乘数效应、交易成本低、带动效应强等特点。As an intermedium of flux economy, convention and exhibition economy is characterized of multiplier effect, less exchange cost, stronger driving effect, and so on.

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不仅表现媒材多样,风格突出与技法精练,绝对是值得好好品味的经典展出。Not only various performance intermedium but also prominent style and purifying skill would lead to a classic exhibition that definitely worth to pay your appreciation.

本研究中的723品系是小麦-中间偃麦草小片段易位系,是对当前流行的小麦白粉病表现免疫的稳定品系。A steady wheat line 723 which was selected from the hybrid progenies of common wheat and Thinopyrum intermedium by wide cross was obtained. Line 723 is immune to powdery mildew.

美味佳肴放在一桌人的中心,它既是一桌人欣赏、品尝的对象,又是一桌人感情交流的媒介物。The delicacy delicacies put on table of people's centers, it not only is the object which table of people appreciates, tastes, also is a table of people sentiments exchange intermedium.