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未经批准擅自休假者将按旷课处理。Unapproved leave will count as unexcused absences.

未经批准擅自休假者将按旷课处理。Unapproved leave will count as an unexcused absence.

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FDA宣称蜜盾国际经销商手部凝胶是一种未经批准的新药FDA says Bee International Distributors hand gel is an unapproved new drug

政府官员称这些学校不符合安全标准或者未经批准办学。Officials said the schools had not met safety standards or were unapproved.

一个未被承认的翻译没有法律效力,并且它必须明显地说明这点。An unapproved translation has no legal force, and it should say so explicitly.

许多央企在没有获得审批的情况下贸然进入海外衍生品市场投资。Many central enterprises enter the overseas derivatives markets in the absence of unapproved.

请注意,最初的方案描述说明出纳员扣留未批准的存款。Note that the original scenario description specified that the teller hold unapproved deposits.

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当晚的基地维修控制员使用的是他自己的孔探培训笔记,他也知道,是没有获批的参考文件。The night BMC used his own set of BSI training notes, which he knew to be an unapproved reference.

辉瑞公司利用该药品几项功效来促销,而出于安全考虑,这几项功效并未通过政府批准。Pfizer pushed sales of Bextra for several uses unapproved by the government because of safety concerns.

未经国务院办公室批准的外国机构,不得在中国境内提供金融信息服务。Foreign institutions unapproved by the SCIO shall not provide any financial information service in China.

调查显示,医疗旅游所进行的这类未经批准的疗法中最常见的就是干细胞疗法。The most common unapproved treatment among medical tourists, according to the survey, is stem cell therapy.

已批准的列表将被立即处理,未获批准的列表将送区进行进一步调查。The approved list will be handled right away, and the unapproved list can be sent for further investigation.

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调查显示,医疗旅游所进行的这类未经批准的疗法中最常见的就是干细胞疗法。S. The most common unapproved treatment among medical tourists, according to the survey, is stem cell therapy.

印刷单位不得承印未经批准的仿印邮票图案和与邮票相似的印件。No printing unit may undertake the printing of unapproved facsimiles of stamp patterns or matters similar to postage stamps.

还有一些因特网药店是非法经营,出售药物时无需处方,并使用未经批准或假冒产品。Other Internet pharmacies operate illegally, selling medications without prescriptions and using unapproved or counterfeit products.

与此同时,他们还可以再一次申请提高税率,重复这样的程序,如此反复申请,像叠煎饼一样,将没有得到批准的费用层层累加起来。Meanwhile, they could file for another rate increase and do it all over again, thus pancaking unapproved rates on top of one another.

但临终关怀专家和其他人的反应帮助我们了解了有些患者需要这些高浓度的吗啡。他说。But reaction from hospice experts and others "helped us understand" that some patients need the unapproved version, Throckmorton said.

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对于小孩而言这样的交易是可见的并且在存折上显示出来,但未经批准的存款不能用于取款。Transactions like this will be visible to kids, and will show up in the passbook, but unapproved deposits are not available for withdrawal.

例如,有一个没有通过批准的程序,它能够让用户不需要连接线仅通过Wi-Fi无线网络就能与电脑同步他们的音乐和视频。For example, one popular unapproved application lets users sync their music and video clips with their computer over Wi-Fi, without using a cable.

当用户开始对iPhone进行越狱——改变操作系统使得它可以运行未经相许的软件——苹果公司立即宣布该行为的非法性。When users began jailbreaking the iPhone—modifying the operating system so it could run unapproved apps—Apple quickly declared the practice illegal.